Weekly Bulletin- Week of Februray 7th

IMPORTANT Information:

Thank you to everyone who came to the kickoff meeting! The slideshow is linked below if you need to look back at any information. Below is also an image with the QR codes to join the distance or sprints group chat.

WTC Kick-Off Meeting Spring 2021

New members

If you are a new member, make sure you sign up for IMLeagues. We do not use WIN anymore so it is important to not use that program. Watch this video to learn how to use IMLeagues. See how to join by following the links below


Practice Sign Up IMLeagues (video tutorial)

ALSO... make sure you join Strava so you can virtually cheer on your fellow teammates of the Wisconsin Track Club!


*The following events will all be held over zoom*

  • Meet & Greet will be held Wednesday 2/10 @8pm


Facebook PageIf you are not a member, request to join!
Instagram Page


Practice for Spring semester

Practice will be a lot similar to first semester with limited amount of people allowed at each practice.

SPRINTS: Sprinters will meet at the shell. Specific times TBD as we are waiting on communication from the Shell. So sprinters make sure to check next weeks newsletter for specific times.

DISTANCE: Distance will be meeting at Engineering Hall with practice times including 5:15 and 5:30.

Monday and Wednesdays are workout days. 5:15 is faster practice and 5:30 is fast practice.

Tuesday and Thursdays will be coed so they are not divided by pacing. Practices will still be held at 5:15 and 5:30 but it is not determined by paces.

Fridays we do not meet.

Saturdays are the fast pace long runs and Sundays will be the faster pace long runs which meet at 9am at Engineering Hall.



This Thursday we will be having a Covid safe in person event! It will take place in Villas Park at 5:30pm instead of practice. If it gets too cold we may reschedule. Skate rentals are $6 so make sure you bring money if you do not already have skates. Be ready to bundle up and skate safely with your fellow cows!

Check out the spreadsheet below to sign up or go to the post on our Facebook page!


Ice Skating
more information
When: Feburary 11th at 5:30pm
Where: Vilas Park, 1602 Vilas Park Dr
Rentals: ice skates $6 an hour
Come skate at Vilas Park with us. Bring a mask, a smile and warm clothes!!!!
Rachel Weix
Jacob Reiner
Alex Beckerman
Nick Chan
Ashley ullius
Elsa Klein
Sarah Nehls
Ethan Sharp
Ally Rilling
Brian Wiedenfeld
Ava Wojnowski
Brock Thompson
Lindsey MIller
Michael Smith
Karthik R
Mary Hegeman
Ally Rilling
Sammie Corning
Jane Straka
Jacob Dirschel
Niki Iatrides
Allie Levin
Gabbi Unitan
Natalie Rullman
Lauren Fitzsimmons
Zach Spears
Elsa Deibert
Colleen Quinn
Haley Orf
Emily Phillips
Brianne Capper
Connor Kuerbis
Matt Stilling
Dylan Fahrney

APPAREL This semester

Our apparel coordinator is in the working on creating new pieces of apparel for this semester. Keep on the look out for some sick new cow merch 🙂 A possible cow mask is in the making!




  Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday:  Sunday: 


Warm-up 12-20 minutes


3x(1:40 min, 57sec) @ mile, 800pace w/ 60sec rest 3-4 min b/w sets  + strides, drills & strength

2-4 Strides



Warm-up 12-20 minutes


4-5x 4 min @ CV, 3min rest

2-4 Strides



Recovery run (4-6miles)

4-6x Strides

Optional core workout afterwards at home



Warm-up 12-20 minutes


6-8x800 (or x3min) @ tempo pace w/50 sec rest, Full Reco -- 2x200 accelerations



Warm-up 12-20 minutes


6-10x400 (or x1:30) cruise @ tempo pace w/50 rest, full reco -- 2x200 accelerations


ICE SKATING at Vilas Park


Recovery run (4-6miles) or Cross Train

4-6x Strides

Fast Paced Long Run (7:45+)

Easy run 7-10 miles (or 65-85 min)

End with 4-6 strides or 5x hill sprints

Optional core workout afterwards at home

Faster Paced Long Run (7:45 or faster)

Easy run 8-10 miles (or 65-85 min)

End with 4-6 strides or 5x hill sprints

Optional core workout afterwards at home


Weekly Bulletin- Week of January 24th


FIRST DAY OF PRACTICE FOR SPRING SEMESTER: February 1st is the first day of practice for distance and sprints!


*The following events will all be held over zoom*

  • ORG Fair will be held Wednesday 2/3 from 6-8pm
  • Kickoff meeting will be Thursday 2/4 @8pm
  • Meet & Greet will be held Wednesday 2/10 @8pm


Facebook PageIf you are not a member, request to join!
Instagram Page


Practice for Spring semester

Practice will be a lot similar to first semester with limited amount of people allowed at each practice.

SPRINTS: Sprinters will meet at the shell. Specific times TBD as we are waiting on communication from the Shell. So sprinters make sure to check next weeks newsletter for specific times.

DISTANCE: Distance will be meeting at Engineering Hall with practice times including 5:15 and 5:30.

Monday and Wednesdays are workout days. 5:15 is faster practice and 5:30 is fast practice.

Tuesday and Thursdays will be coed so they are not divided by pacing. Practices will still be held at 5:15 and 5:30 but it is not determined by paces.

Fridays we do not meet.

Saturdays are the fast pace long runs and Sundays will be the faster pace long runs which meet at 9am at Engineering Hall.



If you have any old running shoes or you are getting to the end of your current pair make sure to save them as we will be collecting them for donation at a later date.

New members

If you are a new member, make sure you sign up for IMLeagues. We do not use WIN anymore so it is important to not use that program. Watch this video to learn how to use IMLeagues. See how to join by following the links below


Practice Sign Up IMLeagues (video tutorial)


ALSO... make sure you join Strava so you can virtually cheer on your fellow teammates of the Wisconsin Track Club!

Socials this semester

Along with fun practices, the WTC works hard to create fun socials that bring the team together. With Covid, this has been difficult this year. We will however work to have fun socials that are both virtual or outside and safe. Keep your eyes open in further newsletters about specific events.


APPAREL This semester

Our apparel coordinator is in the working on creating new pieces of apparel for this semester. Keep on the look out for some sick new cow merch 🙂




  Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday:  Sunday: 

-12-20 min warm-up

-3-5 x 7 min tempo

-Cool down with drills/strides

30-60 minute endurance run.


-12-20 min warmup

-Fartlek: 1’-2’-3’-2’-1’ (optional – go back up). Equal recovery. These should be HARD and you should be tired by the end of them. Get after it!

-5’ easy running/walking

-4-8x20” hill sprints

-Cool down

30-60 minute endurance run
30-60 minute endurance run. Include 6-10x10” sprints throughout run (or do them after)


LONG Run.  7-12+ miles. Include a 20-30 minute tempo if you are building your training and legs are OK. Otherwise, just get in the miles.


LONG Run.  7-12+ miles. Include a 20-30 minute tempo if you are building your training and legs are OK. Otherwise, just get in the miles.



Weekly Bulletin- Week of November 22nd


LAST DAY OF PRACTICE: November 23rd, 4:30pm (or if it fills up 4:15pm too)

ELECTIONS: December 2nd, 8pm (on zoom)



Facebook PageIf you are not a member, request to join!
Instagram Page



IMPORTANT!!!! The last practice of the season is Monday, November 23rd! No matter your preferred running pace, please sign up for the 4:30pm practice, and if that one fills up (maximum of 10 people) you may sign up at the 4:15pm practice time. ALSO!!!! We will not be having practice after Thanksgiving break! We are anticipating a low turn out with freshmen returning home and finals coming up so.

We want to thank you all for being so dedicated through a crazy season! Personally, I met so many new people and have been motivated to get out and run again. Y'all are awesome and we can't wait to see you again after winter break!


turkey trot Pictures

If you are running a 5k or any race on Thanksgiving, whether that be with your family, your roommates, alone, etc. please dm a picture of yourself to the insta account @wtccows so I can put together a post!



BRINNER WAS AMAZING! I loved seeing all of your creations on the Instagram! I am thoroughly impressed and think we should hire some of y'all to make brinner for everyone next year. Here are some pictures of the WINNERS of the brinner polls that were on Instagram Monday-Thursday!

ELECTIONS for board positions

I'm sure you have heard this by now but please consider signing up for a board position or an appointed position at elections! Be ready with a short speech explaining why you are running and what you will contribute to the board. You could talk about past experience and what ideas you have to improve the club! Elections will take place on December 2nd at 8pm! If you don't want to run for a position, PLEASE COME TO THE ZOOM MEETING TO VOTE FOR THE CANDIDATES!

This position has not been established in the past couple of years. Typically, myself (or Luke, an older cow) have taken photos at meets and events for fun and/or because I need content for the Instagram and website. However, we could use all the help we can get! If you like photography and happen to go to a meet (if we have them in the future), then consider bringing your camera and capture our cows competing or hanging out. I think it is important to not just have one person in this position, because that would put a lot of pressure on them to go to every meet and try to get pictures of everyone! If you have any questions about this position, photography, graphics, anything, let me know! (horf@wisc.edu)

Here is a link to a spreadsheet that includes all the different board positions and appointed positions you can apply for, along with a detailed description of the roles of that member both before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

PLEASE feel free to reach out to any of the board members about their job and sign up if you are even a little interested in contributing to the Wisconsin Track Club in a larger way!



Please fill out this end of the semester google form! This helps the board hone in on places where we could improve and where we want to keep the momentum going. Let us know about practices, socials, inclusivity, races, etc. We want to hear from you!

Here is the form: https://forms.gle/MYVZShbZFGFkiFsE6



Crewneck sweatshirts, long sleeves, and shorts are here for those who ordered them! Josie has them all at her apartment (431 West Dayton street) and you can arrange a time to pick them up from her (Josie's # : 414-897-2631).  If you forgot to order apparel, we have a few extra sweatshirts and shorts, just contact Josie for sizes!




  Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday:  Sunday: 







Weekly Bulletin- Week of November 15th


Holiday Lights Run: Monday, November 16th @ 5:15 and 5:30pm

BRINNER WEEK: November 16th-20th



Facebook PageIf you are not a member, request to join!
Instagram Page



On Monday, November 16th we are having our annual Holiday Lights Run! We will run through Olin Park and check out all the festive lights! You must wear a mask and sign up on IMLeagues to attend, no exceptions!!! We will be breaking up into groups of four like a typical practice. Essentially, everything is the same and our route is through Olin Park.


Unfortunately, there was a reported case of COVID-19 in our faster training group last week Monday. Every member of that group has been notified and will not be allowed to return to practice until they have finished a quarantine. Remember, there are many rules in place to prevent COVID from spreading at practice, please stay diligent about wearing face masks and social distancing outside of practice as well.


turkey trot Pictures

If you are running a 5k or any race on Thanksgiving, whether that be with your family, your roommates, alone, etc. please dm a picture of yourself to the insta account @wtccows so I can put together a post!



The most prized social event of the year... BRINNER. Brinner has to look a little different this year, but we hope to carry on this tradition nonetheless. We are going to be having a Brinner ~week~ where you can submit photos of your meal via insta dm (@wtccows) and they will be featured on the insta story against another cow's meal. Our followers will vote for who created a better brinner plate. This may be challenging for freshmen but we urge you to get creative! BRINNER WEEK IS STARTING ON MONDAY! Please showcase your meals and send them our way!


ELECTIONS for board positions

Elections are right around the corner folks! They will take place on December 2nd at 8pm. I highly encourage you all to look into the role/s you may want to take on in the spring and fall! THIS IS ESPECIALLY TRUE FOR FRESHMAN AND SOPHOMORES! Our club usually has the highest participation amongst lower grade levels, which means you should have a big say on how the club is run! If you have been coming to practice and enjoy the people you run with, please consider applying!

In the past, we have all met together in a building to hold speeches for every position, followed by a vote by the rest of the cows in the club. Whoever gets the most votes will hold that position for a year and appointed positions are chosen by the board that same night. This year we will be holding elections over ZOOM! Anyone in the club who attends the Zoom meeting  will be eligible to vote so PLEASE PLEASE COME to vote for who will represent this club.

Here is a link to a spreadsheet that includes all the different board positions and appointed positions you can apply for, along with a detailed description of the roles of that member both before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

PLEASE feel free to reach out to any of the board members about their job and sign up if you are even a little interested in contributing to the Wisconsin Track Club in a larger way!



Crewneck sweatshirts, long sleeves, and shorts are here for those who ordered them! Josie has them all at her apartment (431 West Dayton street) and you can arrange a time to pick them up from her (Josie's # : 414-897-2631).  If you forgot to order apparel, we have a few extra sweatshirts and shorts, just contact Josie for sizes!





  Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday:  Sunday: 

Holiday Lights Run! (30-60 minutes endurance)



1x2-mile as follows (for higher mileage group): 2 times through -- 400 faster than tempo, 100 “float”, 200 all out, 100 easy! The “float” should just back off pace only a little bit. The easy should be EASY but still jogging.

3-5 min recovery

2-4x1000s @ 5k pace or faster, 2min rest between each



30-75 minutes endurance


Fartlek workout: 1-3x through

2min moderate

30” easy

2x1min HARD with 30” easy between each

4x30” FAST, with 30” easy between each

3 minutes extra easy jogging between rounds


EASY endurance or cross-train

Hilly endurance long run. Work the hills to the top plus 10” over the top. Easy/moderate or the rest of the run.

OFF or easy endurance


Weekly Bulletin- Week of November 8th


Keep 'er Movin' Winter WTC Sale: Sunday, November 11/15


Facebook PageIf you are not a member, request to join!
Instagram Page


Practice time change for distance

Starting tomorrow (the 9th) the distance practice time will change to 4:15pm (for the faster-fast group) and 4:30pm (for the slower-paced group). Hopefully this will help us stay out of running in the dark! Make sure you sign up folks!



Additionally, tomorrow sprinters will be having a practice at the Shell (6-7pm) as well as at the Near West Fields (5-6pm). Quinn will be leading the Shell workouts and Thomas will be leading the outdoor workouts! The sign up is on IMLeagues like usual. For now, we will have the indoor practice on a first come first serve basis. The same rules apply for attending practice and the capacity indoors is limited to 10. If it continually fills up, we will assign either Monday or Wednesday to be in the Shell for you, and the other day you will be outside. Hope to see you all there!



Crewneck sweatshirts and shorts are here for those who ordered them! We are still waiting on the long sleeves so sit tight on those. Josie has them all at her apartment (431 West Dayton street) and you can arrange a time to pick them up from her (Josie's # : 414-897-2631). If you ordered the long sleeve along with either the shorts or crewneck, we ask that you to wait to pick up your apparel until we get the long sleeves in. And if you forgot to order apparel, we have a few extra sweatshirts and shorts, just contact Josie for sizes!


submit your race results for big10

If you ran the 5k/mile for the Big10 race make sure you submit your times to the meet results form so that you will be counted as running for Wisconsin! Here is the link for that:



The infographic says it all! You heard it folks, Movin' Shoes is having a winter WTC sale! Here is the spreadsheet to sign up for an appointment!



*I will update these as soon as I get them!

  Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday/Saturday/Sunday:

30-60 min endurance



1-2x1-mile hard effort

3’ easy

2-4x800s harder effort than the 1-mile

3’ easy between each (full recovery)

4-8x200s FAST (or do 30” intervals if not on a track)

Full recovery between each 200

Walk/jog easy warm-down

20-45 minutes endurance with 3-6x30” strides within run

20-45 minutes endurance with 3-6x30” strides within run

Virtual Big Ten meet!! Race fast!

Keep it easy for 2 or 3 days before race, listen your body. Cross-train, OFF, or easy easy endurance running after race


Weekly Bulletin- Week of November 1st


ELECTION DAY: Tuesday, November 3rd

VIRTUAL BIG 10 MEET: November 6th-8th


Facebook PageIf you are not a member, request to join!
Instagram Page




Huge HUGE reminder to sign up for practice! It has been so awesome getting to run as a team again and I encourage you all to continue signing up and meeting new people! Hopefully now that the weather is getting colder, it will be more bearable to where our masks lolz. I am leaving the info down below on how to attend practice. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to ANY board member, through insta dm, email, anything!


nirca nats!!!

Just wanted to congratulate everyone who ran virtual NIRCA nats! It ain't easy staying motivated to run fast but boy did you make us proud. The results can be found here!

If you haven't, make sure you submit your results using the same link above.



  • November 6th - 8th
  • Sign up on the team spreadsheet
  • More info will be coming from Frank on FaceBook this week
This race will be an 5k/mile, you get to choose! 


Make sure you get your vote in cows! Here is a link to some helpful information about voting at UW.  https://vote.wisc.edu/ 

Additionally, the BadgersVote instagram account is always being updated with new information as it comes about.



Alas, this semesters sequence of Meet the Freshmen has come to a close. Thank you to all of those who participated and shared some tid bits about themselves! Y'all rock!




  Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday/Saturday/Sunday:

30-60 min endurance



1-2x1-mile hard effort

3’ easy

2-4x800s harder effort than the 1-mile

3’ easy between each (full recovery)

4-8x200s FAST (or do 30” intervals if not on a track)

Full recovery between each 200

Walk/jog easy warm-down

20-45 minutes endurance with 3-6x30” strides within run

20-45 minutes endurance with 3-6x30” strides within run

Virtual Big Ten meet!! Race fast!

Keep it easy for 2 or 3 days before race, listen your body. Cross-train, OFF, or easy easy endurance running after race


Weekly Bulletin- Week of October 18th


SPRINTER'S FIRST PRACTICE: Monday, October 19th @ 5pm


Facebook PageIf you are not a member, request to join!
Instagram Page




Return to practice ~sprinter addition~

Sprinter cows!

Tomorrow (10/19/20) is the first practice we will have! If you are in the sprinter GroupMe, all the information you need is there. If not, here are the important things you will want to know.

We are only allowed to practice per the face mask guideline and social distancing. This means that face masks must be worn during practice and we cannot be within 6 feet. I'll have extras if you forget one. I will remind you if you happen to break this because we are required to follow these guidelines to practice.

We will be practicing on the Near West practice fields by lakeshore. We will be on Field 1. If you’re a freshman or new and do not know where this is, send me an email.

Practice will be Monday and Wednesday at 5 PM. We only have an hour so please try to be on time.

IMPORTANT: To attend practice, please make sure to fill out the IMLeagues reservation. Directions on this can be found here(https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AMlH3cS1AMD1xq4...). The limit is 25 people per practice and you have to be signed up to practice. Additionally, make sure that all your forms are filled out so you can participate.

See you all tomorrow. Cows achieve!
Dress warm, we will be outside .
-from your vp, Thomas Mengwasser



If y'all liked competing in the virtual 5k, check out the WTC Cross Country 2020 Sign Up!
You can sign up for NIRCA Nationals (October 24th-November 1st) and/or the BIG10 virtual meet (November 6th-8th).

First meet: NIRCA Nationals
  • Men run an 8k, women run a 6k
  • October 24th - November 1st (Sign up on the NIRCA website before you run so you can submit your time)
  • Sign up on both the team spreadsheet AND the NIRCA page
  • Meet fee is $5 (you will receive some nationals gear in the mail)
  • Compete against other club teams across the country!
  • Building off of past tradition, we will be hosting "Virtual Staches for Virtual Nashes" -- in past years, the men's team has grown out mustaches for nationals. However, since the meet this year is virtual, so is the tradition. To participate in this time-old tradition, photoshop a picture of a mustache onto your face.
  • We will be making an event page later where everyone can post results and the virtual staches
Second meet: Virtual Big 10
  • November 6th - 8th
  • Sign up on the team spreadsheet
  • More info will be coming after a video call with the coaches of other schools this week
These races will be 8k/6k meets. A link to suggested courses is included below (one course is a loop similar to the 5k from last weekend, the other is an out/back in the arboretum), but feel free to run whichever route works best for you.
- brought to you by Frank Deguire III


Thank you to everyone who ran the virtual 5k, you all rock! The individual and team results are in this spreadsheet!

We loved seeing all of your awesome pictures of ~fall time~ and saw some pretty impressive times by our speedy cows.

1 Cole Michaelsen 16:12
2 Frank DeGuire 16:29
3 Evan Routhier 16:29.1


1 Zoe Panos 19:44
2 Kayla Wartman 20:56
3 Molly Paras 22:16

These are the top three times of the boys and girls! Congratulations Cole and Zoe for kicking it at that top spot! Enjoy some of my favorite cow selfies, or colfies, down below.



Here is another week of our segment "Meet the Freshmen." This is the last week I will be introducing some newbies looking to run/compete/socialize with us. If you did not get the chance to answer my poll on instagram but want to be featured on the bulletin at some point, dm @wtccows on insta!

Molly Paras

Where are you from:
- Pewaukee, WI
Are you a distance runner/sprinter/hurdler/jumper/thrower/etc:
- I'm a mid to long distance runner
Are you living on campus and if so what dorm are you in:
- I currently live in Ogg
Favorite post race snack:
- Peanut butter protein balls that my teammate used to bring for all of us
Favorite tv show you binged over quarantine:
- Brooklyn Nine Nine
Favorite event to compete in and why:
- I would either say the 4x800 or the 2 mile because I love being part of a relay team, but I've also learned to love that you have time to get into a groove in the longer races.

Zach Spears

Where are you from:
- I'm from Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Are you a distance runner/sprinter/hurdler/jumper/thrower/etc:
- Distance Runner
Are you living on campus and if so what dorm are you in:
- I am living on campus and am in Swenson which is part of kronshage
Favorite post race snack:
- apple with peanut butter
Favorite tv show you binged over quarantine:
- Avatar the last air bender
Favorite event to compete in and why:
- The mile because it's fun to run so quick and it isn't a super long race, I also really want to try steeple if possible.

Derek O'Leary

Where are you from:
- Fon du Lac, WI
Are you a distance runner/sprinter/hurdler/jumper/thrower/etc:
- Mid-Distance
Are you living on campus and if so what dorm are you in:
- Living in Kronshage Hall
Favorite post race snack:
- Almonds
Favorite tv show you binged over quarantine:
- Lucifer
Favorite event to compete in and why:
- 4x4 because everyone gets super hype for it and it fuels my motivation



  Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday OR Sunday:

30-75 min endurance


Short hill repeats:

2-4x through

4x30” hills FAST, jog down

2 minutes extra jogging between rounds,


On flat:

1-3x through

3 minute build from moderate to hard effort by the minute

1.5 minutes easy jog between each 

30-75 minutes endurance with 3-6x30” strides within run



Low mileage group (under 25 per week):

4x2 minutes hard, 1 minute easy

4x1 minute even harder, 1 minute walk

4x30” all out, 1 minute walk


Mid mileage (25-45ish per week)

4x3 minutes hard, 1.5 minutes easy

4x2 minutes harder, 1.5 minutes easy

4x30” all out, 1 minute walk


High mileage 45-50+ per week 

4x5 minute moderate-hard tempo, 2.5 minute easy 

2 minutes more jogging 

4x2 minutes hard, 1 minute easy

4x30” all out, 1 minute walk 

Cross train or easy endurance (30-60 minutes)

One day long run, other day off or easy endurance

Long run:

Warm-up easy

6-10x 30” stride, 2.5 minute ez jogging between

1-3x 2-mile tempos. 3 minutes easy jogging between each

Warm-down OFF or easy endurance


Weekly Bulletin- Week of October 11th


RETURN TO PRACTICE: Monday, October 12th

POWERPOINT KARAOKE NIGHT (virtual social): Wednesday, October 14th @ 8pm

VIRTUAL TIME TRIAL: Thursday, October 15th - Sunday, October 18th, 2020 by 6:00 PM


Facebook PageIf you are not a member, request to join!
Instagram Page


Return to practice

Exciting news folks! We got approved to return to practice and our first practice will take place on Monday, October 12th! There is A LOT to know about before you come to practice. Here is a list:

-YOU MUST SIGN UP FOR PRACTICE ON IMLEAGUES! All of the info for how to do that can be found on THIS DOCNot only do we need a head count of everybody but this is required to attend practice and make sure we are following RecWell and community guidelines.
-You must bring your phone AND HAVE THE IMLEAGUES APP DOWNLOADED so we can check you in to practice with a QR code on IMLeagues.
-Review the ROUTES for this week.
-We will meet at Engineering Hall at the specified times below.

5:15pm = easy run pace is 8 minutes or faster

5:30pm = easy run pace is slower than 8 minutes

5:45pm = overflow group if you did not get a spot in the earlier practices

***SPRINTERS!! We are working on resuming practice for you in the next week or so. We will update you when we finalize the sprinter practice schedule and locations.

and lastly...

Veteran WTC members: We need your help! Please let the board know if you would like to be a small group running leader. Essentially, you would be responsible for being knowledgeable about the designated route and ensuring your group complies to the plan. Please specify your interest/availability here.


Powerpoint Karaoke Night

We have a social event coming up on Wednesday, October 14th starting at 8pm! Don't worry, you don't have to sing... this will be a great way to get to know the members in the club and possibly see there improv skills. THIS IS HOW IT WILL WORK:

1. You can create your own PowerPoint and present it. Either let us know a little bit about yourself or present a fun topic of your choice.

2. The VPs will create PowerPoints that will relate to Track Club or running and you will have to present without knowing what the slides will be. Show off your improv skills!

**Disclaimer: You don't have to present to attend the zoom call. Everyone is welcome. If you do plan on presenting it would be helpful if you signed up in the Google sheet so we have an idea of how many improv presentations to create and who will be presenting their own. Here's the link for the sign up sheet.




THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone that participated in the Running For Yemen fundraiser! With your help, we were able to raise $445 as a club. If you still need to input your miles for the week, head on over to go.rallyup.com/runningforyemen and do so. Thanks Cows!


Virtual 5k Time Trial

We highly encourage all of you to sign up for our first virtual 5k time trial! Challenge yourself and compare your time with others in the club! Here is what you need to know:

Who: Any track club athlete
What: 2020 WTC Fall Colors Virtual 5K
When: Whenever you are free to run Thursday, October 15th - Sunday, October 18th before 6pm.
Where: The course will start and end at the Porter Boathouse, with a loop around University Bay in the middle. A more detailed course map and description is included on the next page.
Why: To have fun running fast and enjoying the beautiful Wisconsin fall colors!
How: Sign up on the meet sign-up sheet (link to sign-up sheet). No payment is required. Then run the race anytime that works for you. Make sure to post a picture of your watch and a selfie with your favorite fall colors after the race! Men’s VP of distance Jacob Reiner also created a Strava segment for the course where you can post your time.

Some more info with a picture and details on the course are on this info page.

**DISCLAIMER: you do not need to be remotely fast to participate. Use it as a workout or normal run, just sign up folks!!


Here is another week of our segment "Meet the Freshmen." For the next 3 weeks I will be introducing 3-4 newbies looking to run/compete/socialize with us as soon as it is safe. If you did not get the chance to answer my poll on instagram but want to be featured on the bulletin at some point, dm @wtccows on insta!

Simon Bushmaker

Where are you from:
- Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Are you a distance runner/sprinter/hurdler/jumper/thrower/etc:
- Distance
Are you living on campus and if so what dorm are you in:
- Living on campus in Witte hall
Favorite post race snack:
- Almonds and craisins in a little ziplock baggie every time
Favorite tv show you binged over quarantine:
- Over the garden wall
Favorite event to compete in and why:
- The 4x8 because it just has an energy about it that always gets the distance kids on their toes.

Lauren Fitzsimmons

Where are you from:
- I am from Mequon, Wisconsin, which is a suburb of Milwaukee.
Are you a distance runner/sprinter/hurdler/jumper/thrower/etc:
- I am a distance and mid distance runner.
Are you living on campus and if so what dorm are you in:
- I am living on campus in Dejope!
Favorite post race snack:
- My favorite post race snack is fruit snacks!
Favorite tv show you binged over quarantine:
- Over quarantine I binge watched The Society.
Favorite event to compete in and why:
- My favorite event is the 4x800! I love running with a team and the energy of the 800 makes it such a fun event!

Brianne Capper

Where are you from:
- I'm from Kimberly, Wisconsin
Are you a distance runner/sprinter/hurdler/jumper/thrower/etc:
- I'm a distance runner
Are you living on campus and if so what dorm are you in:
- I live in Kronshage residence hall
Favorite post race snack:
- My favorite post race snack is a peanut butter sandwich
Favorite tv show you binged over quarantine:
- The Office
Favorite event to compete in and why:
- I like the 3200m because it gives you a lot of time to focus on your performance.


**these are last weeks workouts, I will update this when we get new workouts (but as far as practices go, we will be focusing on easy runs)

  Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday:

30-75 min endurance



1-3x through:

4x30” hill sprints, walk down easy

5’ hard effort on flat

2’ recovery jog


30-75 min endurance with 4-8x30” pick-ups within or after run



1-2 x through

5-4-3-2-1 minute ON with equal recovery


30-60 min easy endurance or cross train


Long run of 50-120’. Choose a hilly route and work every up-hill to the crest + 5” past the top. Recover down-hill. Keep solid pace (still conversational but starting to breathe hard) on the flats.


OFF or easy endurance


Weekly Bulletin- Week of October 4th


LAST DAY FOR APPAREL ORDER: Wednesday, October 7th

VIRTUAL CORE: Every Friday @ 6pm

VIRTUAL TIME TRIAL: Thursday, October 15th - Sunday, October 18th, 2020 by 6:00 PM


Facebook PageIf you are not a member, request to join!
Instagram Page




THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone that participated in the first part of the Running for Yemen fundraiser. We've raised $405 so far! This week, Ocotober 4th-10th, be sure to track your miles to enter them at the end of the week. Head over to go.rallyup.com/runningforyemen for more info!


Virtual 5k Time Trial

As you are probably aware, we are not able to practice and compete in person yet. But fear not,  we put together an optional virtual 5k time trial for you to challenge yourself and compare your time with others in the club! Here is what you need to know:

Who: Any track club athlete
What: 2020 WTC Fall Colors Virtual 5K
When: Whenever you are free to run Thursday, October 15th - Sunday, October 18th before 6pm.
Where: The course will start and end at the Porter Boathouse, with a loop around University Bay in the middle. A more detailed course map and description is included on the next page.
Why: To have fun running fast and enjoying the beautiful Wisconsin fall colors!
How: Sign up on the meet sign-up sheet (link to sign-up sheet). No payment is required. Then run the race anytime that works for you. Make sure to post a picture of your watch and a selfie with your favorite fall colors after the race! Men’s VP of distance Jacob Reiner also created a Strava segment for the course where you can post your time.

Some more info with a picture and details on the course are on this info page.



Just like over quarantine, we will be having a virtual core session every Friday at 6pm! Here is the zoom link to join our VP's in crushing some quick ab workouts. It was a great time last week and I loved seeing all your familiar faces!

Meeting ID: 817 1574 9977
Passcode: 6cBR28

exclusive sweatshirt!!!

Our apparel coordinator Josie put together an order for these super cool sweatshirts! Anyone can buy them and right now the price stands at $29 but could go down if we get more orders. The order closes on Wednesday so get them in! If you have any questions you can email Josie (jmhelf@wisc.edu) HERE IS THE LINK


Here is another week of our segment "Meet the Freshmen." For the next 3 weeks I will be introducing 3-4 newbies looking to run/compete/socialize with us as soon as it is safe. If you did not get the chance to answer my poll on instagram but want to be featured on the bulletin at some point, dm @wtccows on insta!

Katie Langis

Where are you from:
- Ridgefield, Connecticut
Are you a distance runner/sprinter/hurdler/jumper/thrower/etc:
- Mid distance
Are you living on campus and if so what dorm are you in:
- Living on campus, dorm: Witte
Favorite post race snack:
- Peanut butter and apples
Favorite tv show you binged over quarantine:
- New Girl
Favorite event to compete in and why:
- The 4x4 because it is such a fun relay and a great way to end a meet!

Yahira Escobar

Where are you from:
- I'm from Chicago, IL
Are you a distance runner/sprinter/hurdler/jumper/thrower/etc:
- I am a distance runner
Are you living on campus and if so what dorm are you in:
- I am living on campus in Kronshage, showerman
Favorite post race snack:
-Banana with peanut butter
Favorite tv show you binged over quarantine:
- Criminal Minds
Favorite event to compete in and why:
- My favorite event is the 3200 because I love distance more than anything and I like the challenge

Chris Mckenna

Where are you from:
- Brookfield, WI
Are you a distance runner/sprinter/hurdler/jumper/thrower/etc:
- Distance
Are you living on campus and if so what dorm are you in:
- Sellery
Favorite post race snack:
- White chocolate macadamia nut Clif Bars
Favorite tv show you binged over quarantine:
- Tiger King
Favorite event to compete in and why:
- 1600, it's a true race that requires guts and toughness



  Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday:

30-75 min endurance



1-3x through:

4x30” hill sprints, walk down easy

5’ hard effort on flat

2’ recovery jog


30-75 min endurance with 4-8x30” pick-ups within or after run



1-2 x through

5-4-3-2-1 minute ON with equal recovery


30-60 min easy endurance or cross train


Long run of 50-120’. Choose a hilly route and work every up-hill to the crest + 5” past the top. Recover down-hill. Keep solid pace (still conversational but starting to breathe hard) on the flats.


OFF or easy endurance


Weekly Bulletin- Week of September 27th


KICK OFF MEETING: Tuesday, September 29th @8pm

VIRTUAL CORE: Every Friday @ 6pm


Facebook PageIf you are not a member, request to join!
Instagram Page



kick off meeting

HEY EVERYONE! PLEASE COME TO OUR KICK OFF MEETING! Our virtual kick off meeting will be on Tuesday, September 29th starting at 8pm! Here is the zoom link to attend the meeting. Typically, we go over all the details on practices, meets, volunteering opportunities, apparel, running routes, etc. You will get a lot of information on this season and how to stay involved. SEE YOU THERE!


Running for yemen

As many of you already saw on Facebook, our volunteer coordinator, Ethan Sharp, has been talking to the Michigan Running Club about a virtual running fundraiser event. Yemen is the largest humanitarian crisis in the world, and we are raising money for UNICEF. Ethan has all the information on his facebook post but the general outline that the Michigan Running Club set up looks like this:

Step 1: Set up your individual fundraising page!
Step 2: Promote your individual campaign page to friends and family!
Step 3: Run!
Step 4: Enter your mileage!

Please head over to Facebook and look at what Ethan posted!! Thanks y'all!



Just like over quarantine, we will be having a virtual core session every Friday at 6pm! Here is the zoom link to join our VP's in crushing some quick ab workouts. It was a great time last week and I loved seeing all your familiar faces!

Meeting ID: 817 1574 9977
Passcode: 6cBR28



Here is another week of our segment "Meet the Freshmen." For the next 4 weeks I will be introducing 3-4 newbies looking to run/compete/socialize with us as soon as it is safe. If you did not get the chance to answer my poll on instagram but want to be featured on the bulletin at some point, dm @wtccows on insta!

Colleen Quinn

Where are you from:
- Verona, WI
Are you a distance runner/sprinter/hurdler/jumper/thrower/etc:
- Distance runner
Are you living on campus and if so what dorm are you in:
- Yes I'm living on campus, in Waters Hall.
Favorite post race snack:
- Chocolate covered pretzels!!
Favorite tv show you binged over quarantine:
- Criminal Minds
Favorite event to compete in and why:
- 5k, the longer the better for me! And I love all the different cross country courses 🙂

Ethan Seng

Where are you from:
- I'm from Wheaton Illinois
Are you a distance runner/sprinter/hurdler/jumper/thrower/etc:
- I'm a distance runner
Are you living on campus and if so what dorm are you in:
- I'm on campus in Bradley
Favorite post race snack:
- Chocolate milk
Favorite tv show you binged over quarantine:
- The Mandalorian
Favorite event to compete in and why:
- The 1600m because it feels intense and exciting from start to finish

Emily Phillips

Where are you from:
- I'm from Appleton, Wi
Are you a distance runner/sprinter/hurdler/jumper/thrower/etc:
- Distance Runner
Are you living on campus and if so what dorm are you in:
- I live in Sellery
Favorite post race snack:
-Chocolate chip muffin
Favorite tv show you binged over quarantine:
- Criminal Minds
Favorite event to compete in and why:
- My favorite event to compete in is the 3200 because I like the loner distance, and it's a great opportunity to really push myself mentally



  Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday:

30-75 min endurance



1-3x through:

2-mile over/under work (.5 mile faster than threshold, .5 mile slower than threshold. Repeat). 3-min easy.



30-75 min endurance with 4-8x30” pick-ups within or after run




1-2 x through

10x1min ON, 1min OFF. Keep consistent ON pace from 1-10.

5-min recovery between sets if doing this twice through


30-60 min easy endurance or cross train

Long run

50-120 minutes long run. Break into thirds. First 1/3 is warm-up, second 1/3 is 30” on, 2.5’ off, last 1/3 is tempo.

Easy, short warm-down

OFF or easy endurance