Welcome back!
We hope you all had a great summer full of miles and smiles, and we're so excited to have you all back in Madison!
If you're new here:
Welcome! We hope to see you come out to practice!
Make sure to join our Slack, Strava, and follow @wtccows on instagram! It's a great way to stay in the loop while getting to know your teammates.
To become an official member of the Wisconsin Track Club, please pay membership dues for the season by sending $30 to @WiscoTC on Venmo.
We hope you come out to train, race, and socialize with us!
First full week of practice!
Though distance practices started with the first day of school last week, this week will be our first full week of practice!
Distance practice will continue to meet at Engineering Hall (1415 Engineering Dr, Madison, WI 53706). Distance will be meeting there for practice Monday-Thursday.
Sprints/field practice will officially start tomorrow, September 9th! Meet at the McClimmon Track (750 Walnut St, Madison, WI 53705) at 5:30 p.m. Sprints/field practice will be held there Mondays and Wednesdays!
We hope to see you there!
Kickoff Meeting
Our kickoff meeting will be held on Thursday, September 12th at 8pm in Van Vleck B102! Make sure to show up and bring all of your friends with you too! Learn all about the club and our upcoming dates for meets, socials, and other important information! Most importantly: show up and get free pizza!

Badger Classic
Congratulations to all of the cows that raced in the Badger Classic on Friday! Shoutout to Dasha for CRUSHING the women's race and finishing first in a D1 meet against the Badgers, Illini, and Wildcats!
Camping Trip
The cows pulled up to Devil's Lake and Double K-D Ranch Campground for some end of summer fun! We had lots of fun hiking and swimming despite the extreme heat! Hopefully next year the weather will be just right after the last two years of being extremely cold, and extremely hot during our annual trip! More pictures will be coming once the disposable camera gets developed!

Summer Track Series
Another summer, another wonderful year of Summer Track Series! We put on several community meets including the Dane County Championships, helping to raise money for the club and bring some speed to the track in Dane County. This is one of the club's largest fundraiser (in addition to the Ironman!), so thank you to the volunteers who took time out to support our club and the community!

Upcoming Meets:
Intraquad 5k (Time Trials): 'Twas the night before Bama, when all through Madison
Not a creature was stirring, not even a badger;
The gamebibs were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that gameday would soon would be there;
But the cows weren't nestled all snug in their beds,
Their visions of victory danced in their heads
So they put on their running shoes and ate their gels
They met at porter boathouse where the fated race begun
but don't fret, this is for fun and do not be scared to give it your all
So make sure to sign up, and tell all your friends!
Meet at Porter Boathouse at 6:00 on Friday, the 13th for warm ups and the race starts at 6:30! Hope to see you there! Sign up deadline is the 12th
Sign up here
Border Battle: Join us for our home meet and help the WTC compete to be the best of the midwest! By running in this race, it will also qualify you for Nationals if you cannot run regionals! The border battle is a perfect way to try racing for WTC and against other NIRCA teams, as there's no travel needed! Come race and help us defend the border!
Sign up here
Warrior Invitational: Join us to become two peat champions and try to remain the undefeated, undisputed champions of the Warrior Invitational! ! This is a great opportunity to race against D3 schools in West Allis- which is only about an hour drive away! According to Moses Nettles JR. who is a premier google level 7 local guide, "Tons of space for food, games, bounce house and clean bathrooms." So bring your Bouncy House and lets defend our trophy! ! ! 😤
Sign up here
Gene Davis: Come take a journey to the Big Apple(ton) and enjoy the scenic Fox River as you race at the pristine grounds Lawrence University! (or maybe Reid municipal golf course instead) This will be the fastest course of the season and is a great opportunity to race against other D3 schools in the area! This meet is also only two hours away from Madison and you might run into Willem Dafoe... or see the ghost of Harry Houdini.
Sign up here

The cows spent all day running an aid station for the Ironman, it was a huge success and thank you all who came out to support the club and the community! This is always one of our largest fundraising events of the year, along with STS! Be sure to check out and sign up for future volunteering events and look out for updates from our Volunteer Coordinator, Jenna Auth!
Check out and sign up for future volunteer events here!

Join us
To become a member of the Wisconsin Track Club, please pay membership dues for the season by sending $30 to @WiscoTC on Venmo.
Join our Slack, Strava, and follow @wtccows on instagram
To learn more about us, check out these slides. (will be updated for kickoff meeting)
We hope you come out to train, race, and socialize with us!
Thanks for checking out this week's Moosletter!