Moosletter — Week of November 3rd

Distance Practice Time Change

Due to the sun now setting before our normal pratice time(thanks daylight savings), distance practice is now starting at 4:30 P.M.! Everything else stays the same, please just show up an hour earlier.

WTC members with class conflicts often meet up for a 5:30 P.M. unofficial practice, so check the Slack to see if others are running at that time!


It's time: The most important meet of the year. This weekend we will travel to Nationals at Hershey, PA! With the men and women both coming off of the regionals sweep, and the Women being ranked #1 in the country and the men #10 (Week 5 NIRCA Coaches Poll), WTC is in a great spot to race fast and beat teams from all around the country.

Good luck to everyone racing, make WTC proud and have fun!



Would you like to help run the club next year? Well, you're in luck! With the start of 2025 comes the end of the current board members' terms. They will run in December, so start thinking about what positions you could see yourself in!

There are 13 positions, so there are many ways you can contribute to the club. If you are interested in running for a board position, please reach out to the current board members to learn more and ask questions. Here is a list of all the current board members with their contact information.

These 13 board positions include: President, VP of Women's Distance, VP of Men's Distance, VP of Women's Sprints/Field, VP of Men's Sprints/Field, Treasurer, Meet Coordinator, Travel Coordinator, Secretary, Volunteer Coordinator, Webmaster, Photographer, and Apparel Coordinator.



Get out into your community and volunteer with WTC! Create positive impacts and get rewarded if you're one of the cows with the most volunteer hours at the end of the semester!

This program pairs volunteers up with a youth on the autism spectrum to run around Picnic Point. It's an amazing experience! Sessions will be held 9-10 a.m. on Saturdays at the Picnic Point trail entrance.

If you want to sign up to volunteer, please do so on the volunteer spreadsheet!


DISTANCE: Meet at Engineering Hall at 4:30 pm

Day Workout
Monday November 5 Interval Workout: 2x200, 3x1200m 

  • 2 mile warmup, drills, and a few strides
  • 3x1200m @ threshold (1:30 rest); run the first two reps at a controlled, even pace. On the third rep, run the first lap at threshold and then slowly ‘wind up the pace’, finishing fast (ex. Threshold - 10k/5k - 3k/mile)
  • 2x200m @ 3k effort (200m jog rest b/t intervals, 2:00-3:00 set rest)

*”The hay’s in the barn”. Don’t overextend in this workout. Save that energy for race day.*

Tuesday November 6 *Optional Accels* + Steady Easy Volume

*Accels: preferably at a track or turf field with distance markings*

Sprint drills warmup routine and then some neuromuscular speed development

  • Take a little extra time to actively stretch and ‘get loose’ if you need to
  • 4-5x40m accelerations @90-95% max sprint speed (take your time decelerating and run through the accel, it’s okay if you end up 80-100m down the track/field (2 minutes walking or standing recovery in between accels)

Following the accels, run at a very easy pace. 

4-8 miles, depending on your training load and how you’re feeling.

Wednesday November 7 Steady Run + 4x30” surges

4-6 miles at a moderate effort. 

Towards the end of the run, perform 4x30-second surges at 5k down to mile effort (90 seconds easy jog recovery). Don’t overstrain, just focus on running fast with good form.

Thursday November 8 Recovery Day

3-7 miles easy or Light Cross Training

Ancillary: Barefoot 1&3

Friday November 9 If racing: Pre-Race

3-5 miles, drills & 4-6 strides 

Ancillary: none

Saturday November 10 NIRCA NATIONALS
Sunday November 11 Flex Day

a few miles of easy running, light cross training, or off

Ancillary: *Optional General Strength Circuit (1-4) x1*

Join us

To become a member of the Wisconsin Track Club, please pay membership dues for the season by sending $30 to @WiscoTC on Venmo.

Join our Slack, Strava, and Facebook groups.

To learn more about us, check out these slides. 

We hope you come out to train, race, and socialize with us!

Thanks for checking out this week's Moosletter! Good luck at Nationals, you've got this!