Outdoor meet schedule
It's almost time for outdoor track season!! You can find the sign up here, and previous meet results and season performance lists here and here. Sign ups for all outdoor meets are open now! Reach out to Meet Coordinator Nathan Simon with any questions and check out the schedule below.
NIRCA Outdoor Nationals: Some very dedicated Cows will make the journey to Richmond, Virginia from April 5 until April 6 and defend the club's honor! Sign up closed February 15.
Mississippi River Rumble: For those not heading to Virginia, the club will head to Dubuque, Iowa for some big competition at the University of Dubuque on April 5! I hope you're ready to rumble, because sign up closes Saturday, March 29.
Lawrence University Viking Twilight: It's shaping up to be a big Thursday night in Appleton on April 17! The Cows are headed to a Lawrence University to run fast before the weekend. Sign up will close on Saturday, April 10.
Drake Alternative: On April 25, we're racing on down to UW-Whitewater for this year's Drake Alternative! Warm up for that weekend's events (just Crazylegs, obviously), and get excited. Sign up deadline is Friday, April 18.
Eagle Open: THE LAST MEET OF THE YEAR! Cap off your finals week with a weekend at the beautiful UW-Lacrosse, and race on Friday, May 9. Thanks to an awesome ASM grant, this meet will be very low cost OR FREE, depending on how many people sign up. We'll stay overnight in Lacrosse so we don't have to drive back super late at night, and go for a hike on Saturday morning! Sign up deadline is April 25.
Meet fees range by meet, but are typically $20-$30 for one day meets. The more people that come to meets, the cheaper the meet fee. Make sure to sign up using your @wisc.edu email account, and that you are an official DoSportsEasy dues-paying member when you sign up for a meet.

Assassin Tag: It's getting deadly on campus. Even with revivals in play, Nathan Simon was once again taken out by Adam Kitay,. and Stephanie Rathkamp fell victim to a snipe by Nora McCormick. A Lauren battle played out, with Lauren Fligge losing to Lauren Tears after a brutal exam. Adam Kitay survived a near-death experience with Megan Zibton, and Claudia Salgado drew her first blood with a kill on Lily Hamacher. Both Emily AND Nathan Phillips were sniped by Adam on Saturday as well 😳. After this week, Lottie Andersson, Jacob Alejandro, Jenna Auth, Adam Kitay, Bri Kiriago, Nora McCormick, Claire Miller, Maia Nebo, and Megan Zibton all remain alive. Stay tuned to see what happens in this last week leading up to spring break. May the odds be ever in your favor, and may Beckerman's spirit look down on you!
Media Day: Was a success! Thanks to everyone who came down to MemU to get their pictures taken, and thanks to our photographer Elliot Grodsky for setting everything up for us! Pictures are coming soon.
Keep your eyes out for information about a spring bonfire night! As the Brinner-loving Cows like to say...clear your calendar for the entire month of March. More information about the spring Women's Social and BBBBBBBBBBBBBB is coming soon! Finally, WTC Formal will be held on Saturday, April 12, so clear your calendars for a night of fun and celebration!! Sign up should be coming out early this week.
Volunteering & Fundraising
The Cows have a bunch of awesome volunteering and fundraising opportunities coming up!
- Get your brackets ready for the WTC March Madness Bracket Pool! Entries are $5, and each person can enter up to 5 brackets (so you can pay up to $25). First prize will get 40% of the pot, second will get 10%, and third will get their entry fee back. All three podium placers will get their pick of retro WTC t-shirts. You can join the pool here. Password for the brackets is Milkerz. Good luck!
- The WTC Blood Drive will be hosted at Union South on Friday, April 4th. Come to donate and save some lives while you're doing it! All donors get free food, a $25 Amazon gift card, and an entry into a $5,000 drawing. This is a great way to make a real difference in the Madison community. Sign up for a slot here.
- RACE resumes Saturday, April 5! Meet at Picnic Point at 9am and get matched with a running buddy for the day. This opportunity is quick and easy, and sometimes, the buddies just want to walk.
- WTC's first ever CHIPOTLE FUNDRAISER will be held on Tuesday, April 15th, from 5-9pm. Mention Wisconsin Track Club at the register and the club will get 25% of the profits from your meal. Eat good food and support the club while doing it! Tell your friends, and we'll see you then!
- Girls on the Run Madison has offered us a few FREE SPOTS for this April's Crazylegs 8k. Reach out to volunteer coordinator Jenna Auth if you're interested.

New members
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Spring Kickoff Meeting! We had tons of fun and we hope that you enjoyed learning about all that this semester has to offer. If you missed the meeting, you can find the slides here.
If you're new to the club, welcome!! We're so excited that you're here. Join our Slack and follow us on Instagram @wtccows! To become an official Wisconsin Track Club member, please send your $30 semester dues to @WiscoTC on Venmo. Check out this page to follow additional steps to become a new member.

Monday |
Tuesday | Recovery day + strides (3-7 miles easy) |
Thursday | Recovery day + strides (3-7 miles easy) |
Friday | Planned day off/easy run |
Saturday | HAPPY SPRING BREAK! Easy long run + strides (8-14 miles) |
Sunday | Recovery day (3-8 miles easy) + 6-8 strides |
SPRINTS & FIELD PRACTICE: Check the Sprints-Field Slack channel for more specific workout information, timing, and updates.
Monday @ 5:30 @ McClimon |
Tuesday @ 5:30 @ Near West Fields |
Wednesday @ 5:30 @ McClimon OR @10:00 @ McClain (depends on weather, keep an eye on Slack) |
Thursday @ 5:30 @ Bakke |
Friday | |
Saturday |
Join us
To become a member of the Wisconsin Track Club, please pay membership dues for the season by sending $30 to @WiscoTC on Venmo.
Join our Slack, and Strava, and follow us on Instagram @wtccows!
To learn more about us, check out these slides.
We hope you come out to train, race, and socialize with us!
Thanks for checking out this week's Moosletter! As always, remember to send your Almost Meet Day pictures!