Moosletter — Week of March 10th


With indoor season wrapping up- and WAY too much time spent on a 200m track- it is finally time for outdoor season!! Our first two meets are coming up after spring break so make sure you sign up for them here!!


Viking Olympics: You heard it here!! The cows are headed to the olympics!! Not in Paris but in Rock Island, Illinois. This is our first outdoor meet of the year, and is a great way to get back into racing after spring break. The events offered are pretty limited so make sure to check the meet information document or ask Alex Marrione! They offer a 3x1 shuttle hurdle race which is a cool opportunity that this meet offers.
Signup deadline is Saturday, March 30th at 11:59 PM.


Beloit Relays: Our second meet is in Beloit WI and it is another new meet! Because there is no nationals this year (for most people), this meet is the closest thing to a major meet program we will have this season. Every major outdoor event is offered besides the 4x2, this also includes a 10k for those who decide to run 25 laps around a track...
Signup deadline is Saturday, April 6th at 11:59 PM.


Signup is here.
If you have any questions contact Alex Marrione

Ultimate FrisBEE

This week we will be playing ultimate frisbee during distance practice on Tuesday! We will still meet like normal (5:30 at EHall) and will run to university bay fields to play! Sprinters are encouraged to meet us at the fields to join as well! If you have a frisbee, please bring it!!


The very first (annual?!) pacer test was this Saturday at the Nick! Only the track club would do something like this.... but that's what makes us the best 🙂

Congratulations Dalton Zirbel for winning the pacer with a score of 125! And also shoutout Emily Phillips for winning it for the women!! Both won a cake that was made by Alex Edwards

PHOtography Help

Liam has implemented a club photographer list! If you're interested in photographing any of our meets or social events, mark yourself down in this sheet; this'll help Liam keep track of and reach out to people who might be able to photograph if he's busy or racing . It's a great way to gain some sports photography experience, help contribute to promoting the club via social media and document the memories we make at each meet. Feel free to DM Liam if you have any questions.



The RecWell food drive started last Monday and we have another Ainsley's Angels race coming up on the 16th (next saturday)! Get out into the community and volunteer with WTC! Volunteering is a great way to help out the club and it's outreach to the community!

All of the info for volunteering and to sign up for upcoming events is all found on the volunteering calendar.

WTC Wordle and CoWnnections!

Click here for the wordle!

Click here for Connections


(also shoutout to the UW Curling club for winning nationals this weekend 😆)


SPRINTS- MON-THUR 5:30 p.m. Location depends on day- Check in slack.

Monday March 11 Monday: Shell 10:10

  • Two options:
    • Long: 2x500 90-95% 
      • Rest 15 min
    • Short 3x200 95%
      • Rest 10 min
Tuesday March 12 Tuesday: ~ 5:50 Far West fields past hospital

  • ultimate frisbee w Distance
    • Other things possible

March 13

Wednesday: Shell 10:10

  • Hurdle Hops
  • Event work
    • If not running outside Thursday can do workout then events

March 14

Thursday: Turf Field 5:30

  • Aim for 6, 5-6 150s @80%
    • 3 min rest

DISTANCE- MON-THUR 5:30 p.m. at Engineering Hall

Week of March 11 - 17 

Monday March 11 Mid-distance & Long-distance combined 

Tempo & Hills

     2-3 mile warmup, drills, & a few strides

Group 1: 15-20min threshold (Cross Country effort), 4-min walk-ez jog rest, 6x30sec hills @ 3k-mile effort w/ jog down recovery

Groups 2&3: 10-15min threshold (Cross Country effort), 4 minutes walk-ez jog rest, 4-6x30sec hills @ 3k-mile effort with jog down recovery

     2 mile cooldown

Ancillary: Medball Circuit #2, Core #2

Tuesday March 12 Recovery Day


Ancillary: none

Wednesday March 13 Mid-distance

 2-3 miles warmup, drills, & a few strides

    2x800m w/ 2min rest @ 5k pace, 3-5 min rest, 4x200m @ mile pace with 200m jog,   

    3-5 min rest, 2-3x150m @ 800m pace (walk back recovery)

    2 mile cooldown

Long-distance combined (all groups combined)

3k and Mile Pace Intervals

     2-3 miles warmup, drills, & a few strides

    4-6x800m w/ 2min rest @ 5k pace, 3-5 min rest, 4x200m @ mile pace with 200m jog

    2 mile cooldown

Ancillary: General Strength #1-4 (pick 1-2 circuits)

Thursday March 14 Recovery Day 

3-7 miles easy & barefoot circuits 1&3 (see previous weeks for exercises)

Friday March 15 Flex Day

a few miles of easy running, light cross training, or off

Ancillary: *Optional General Strength Circuit (1-4) x1*

Saturday March 16 Long Run

8-12 miles + 6x45sec surges at the end (90 seconds jog rest)

Ancillary: Hip/Glute Circuit #1

Sunday March 17 Recovery Day + Strides

3-7 miles easy w/ 6-8 strides

Ancillary: General Strength Circuit (1-4) x1*

Join us

To become a member of the Wisconsin Track Club, please pay membership dues for the season by sending $30 to @WiscoTC on Venmo. Check out our registration site by clicking here.

Join our Slack, Strava, and Facebook groups.

We hope you come out to train, race, and socialize with us!

Thanks for checking out this week's Moosletter! Remember to reach out to any of the board members if you have any questions or concerns!