Moosletter — Week of October 23rd

NIRCA Regionals

Great job to everyone who raced at NIRCA Regionals this weekend! Our women's team got first place and the men got second. Way to finish the cross country season strong! Special kudos to Lauren, Anna, Ava, Cullen, and Matt for placing in the top ten in their races!

Screamin' Acres

The herd is heading over to Screamin' Acres Haunted Houses on Friday, October 28th at 6:15pm to continue the spooky season festivities! Signup closes Monday, October 24th at 11:59pm.

Volunteer Opportunities

Arboretum Trail Volunteering: On Saturday, October 29th from 9am-12noon we will go to the Arb to help with prairie restoration! See more information here and sign up here

RACE: Meet at the picnic point trail entrance at 9am on Saturdays to be paired up to run with a kid with autism! Sign up here.

Contact Brock Thompson ( with any questions about volunteering opportunities.

Cow cast

The Cow Cast is on Thursday, October 27th at 8pm! It will be live-streamed on our Instagram @wtccows and YouTube. Tune in for a regionals recap and to see a surprise special guest!

madison marathon

The Madison Marathon is on Sunday, November 13th! They offer a 10k, half marathon, and full marathon. This is a great opportunity to get another race in this semester with some fellow Cows! If this interests you, see more info here.


If you ordered a windbreaker and have not received it yet, please contact Sammie Corning (email or on Slack).


SPRINTS: Meet at the Shell at 6:30pm on Monday and McClimon outdoor track at 6pm on Thursday.


Shell 6:30pm

Warm up

Hurdle Mobility:

  • 2 legs in each 2x

  • 1 leg in each 2x

  • Lateral (each way once)

  • Backwards, 2 legs in each 2x

  • Over/unders (each way once)

2 accels

4-6 x 150m @ 80-85%

Rest: 3 mins

Cooldown, stretch, and core


McClimon 6pm

Warm up and 2 accels

6-8 x 200m @ 75-80% 

Rest: 3 minutes

Cooldown, stretch and core


DISTANCE: Meet at Engineering Hall at 5:30pm Mon-Thurs and 9am Sat/Sun

Monday *Optional Accels* + Steady Easy Volume

*Accels: preferably at a track or turf field with distance markings*

Sprint drills warmup routine and then some neuromuscular speed development

  • Take a little extra time to actively stretch and ‘get loose’ if you need to
  • 4-5x40m accelerations @90-95% max sprint speed (take your time decelerating and run through the accel, it’s okay if you end up 80-100m down the track/field (2 minutes walking or standing recovery in between accels)

Following the accels, run at a very easy pace

4-8 miles, depending on your training load and how you’re feeling.

Ancillary: none or optional core


Tuesday Workout: Light Fartlek 10x30 seconds

  • Run easy for 2-3 miles at easy-moderate pace before starting the fartlek. 
  • 10 x 30-seconds @ 3k/2-mile race effort & rhythm (no faster!) (jog 30-second recoveries). 
  • 2-3 mile cooldown

Ancillary: General Strength Circuits 1-4 (pick 2)


Wednesday Recovery Day

3-7 miles easy or Light Cross Training

Ancillary: Barefoot 1&3


Thursday Workout: 1K Intervals @ CC Effort

  • 2-3 mi warmup, drills, and a few strides
  • 1000m intervals @ CC effort (1:30 rest/ez jog) *if you’re feeling good, push the last interval to simulate a race kick finish*
  • 2 mi cooldown

Group 1: 7 x 1K

Group 2: 6 x 1K

Group 3: 5 x 1K

Ancillary: General Strength Circuits 1-4 (pick 2)


Friday Recovery Day

3-7 miles easy or Light Cross Training

Ancillary: none or optional core


Saturday Medium Long Run

6-11 miles + 4-6 strides post-run (starting every minute)

Ancillary: Hip/Glute Circuit #1

Sunday Flex Day

a few miles of easy running, light cross training, or off

Ancillary: *Optional General Strength Circuit (1-4) x1*

Thanks for checking out this week's Moosletter! Tell someone you love them this week. And listen to Midnights.

Moosletter — Week of October 16th

Drews Invite

Great job to everyone who raced at the Drews Invite in La Crosse on Saturday!

Nirca Regionals

NIRCA Regionals is this weekend in Geneva, IL! Check out this spreadsheet to sign up for a hotel room and to see the car lists.  Please reach out to Matt Stilling ( or Alex Beckerman ( with any questions NIRCA Regionals.

Volunteer Opportunities

Arboretum Trail Volunteering: On Saturday, October 29th from 9am-12noon we will go to the Arb to help with prairie restoration! See more information here and sign up here

RACE: Meet at the picnic point trail entrance at 9am on Saturdays to be paired up to run with a kid with autism! Sign up here.

Please contact Brock Thompson ( with any questions about volunteering opportunities.


If you ordered a windbreaker and have not received it yet, please contact Sammie Corning (email or on Slack).


SPRINTS: Meet at the Shell at 6:30pm on Monday and McClimon outdoor track at 6pm on Thursday.


Shell 6:30pm

Warm up and 2 accels

3 sets x 4 x 50m

Rest between reps: walk back

Rest between sets: 4 minutes

Cooldown, stretch and core


McClimon 6pm

Warm up and 2 accels

6-8 x 200m @ 75-80% 

Rest: 3 minutes

Cooldown, stretch and core


DISTANCE: Meet at Engineering Hall at 5:30pm Mon-Thurs and 9am Sat/Sun

Monday Steady Easy Volume or *optional* Cross Training

4-8 miles, depending on your training load and how you’re feeling.


Tuesday Workout: 800m Intervals

2 mi warmup, 5x800m @ Interval Effort (2.5 minute jog/walk rest), 2 mi cooldown

  • Group 1&2: 5x800m
  • Group 3: 4x800m
  • Take your mile PR (or best guess) and add 6-8 seconds per laps from this mile pace (ex. For a 5:00 miler (75 seconds per lap), you would be running ~81-83 seconds per lap at “Interval intensity”)

Ancillary: General Strength #1-4 (pick 2 circuits)


Wednesday Recovery Day

3-7 miles easy or Light Cross Training

Ancillary: Barefoot 1&3


Thursday If racing on Saturday: Track Workout - 2x200m @ mile, 1k @ CV, 2x200m @ mile

Vdot Pace Chart

*Use Vdot chart to determine paces

**All groups together**

2 mile warmup + drills/strides, 2x200m @ mile (200m jog RC), 3 minutes easy, 1k @ CV, 1-2 minutes easy, 2x200m @ mile (200m jog RC), 1-2 mi cooldown

Ancillary: None, stretch and foam roll

If not racing on Saturday: Alternating 800’s 

  • 2 mi warmup, sprint drills, and a few strides
  • Continuous alternating 800’s (800m @ cross country effort, 800m steady - steady pace should be ~60 seconds slower than CC effort)
  • 2 mi cooldown

Group 1 & 2: 4.5 miles of alternating work

Group 3: 4 miles of alternating work 

Ancillary: General Strength Circuits 1-4 (pick 2)


Friday If racing: Pre-Race

2-6 miles with 4-6 strides and drills

If not racing: Steady Volume Day + 6x20/20 Fartlek Strides

3-8 miles easy

6x20 seconds at mile effort, 20 seconds easy jog. 

Ancillary: General Strength #1-4 (pick 1 circuit)


Saturday NIRCA Regionals!

OR if not racing: Long Run with Second Half Faster

8-12 mile long run - first half relaxed, second half at a faster (but comfortable) pace

Ancillary: Hip/Glute Circuit #2


Sunday Flex Day

a few miles of easy running, light cross training, or off

Thanks for checking out this week's Moosletter!

Moosletter — Week of October 9th

GENE davis invite

Great job to everyone who raced at the Gene Davis Invite on Saturday!

Ultimate frisbee

On Monday, October 10th meet at Engineering Hall at 5:30pm for ultimate frisbee! We will run to the U-Bay Fields from E-Hall and play there. All members are welcome!

Upcoming meets

Good luck to all of our members racing at the Drews Invite (10/15) and NIRCA Regionals (10/22)!

If you are considering traveling to Virginia for Nationals (November 12), please reach out to Matt Stilling or Alex Beckerman so that they can fill you in on details! Know that transportation will be largely up to you and fairly expensive. The Madison Marathon/Half Marathon is the next day (November 13), so that’s a fun alternative that a lot of people will be doing if you don’t want to drive 30 hours that weekend.

Please reach out to Matt Stilling ( with any questions about meets.

Volunteer with Race

Meet at the picnic point trail entrance at 9am on Saturdays to be paired up to run with a kid with autism! Sign up here.


SPRINTS: Meet at the Shell at 6:30pm on Monday and McClimon outdoor track at 6pm on Thursday.


Shell 6:30pm

Warm up and 2 accels 

Hurdlers: Hurdle drills: Lead leg/trail leg wall drills, trail leg hurdle hops, 3-step lead/trail drills

+3x150m @80% with 2 mins rest

Jumpers: 3 x 20m: Alternating bounds, Right leg bounds, Left leg bounds, RRLL bounds (high jumpers do skips for height)

+3x150m @80% with 2 mins rest

Sprinters: Ladder workout @80% : 100m, 150m, 200m, 250m, 200m, 150m, 100m

Rest: 3 mins


20m Lower leg strength/rehab circuit:

Toe walks (straight), Heel walks (straight), Toe walks (toes out), Heel walks (toes out), Toe walks (toes in), Heel walks (toes in)

Cooldown, stretch and core


McClimon 6pm

Warm up

4-6 laps Straights and Curves

Stride the straights, jog (or walk) the curves

Cooldown, stretch, and core


DISTANCE: Meet at Engineering Hall at 5:30pm Mon-Thurs and 9am Sat/Sun

Monday Ultimate frisbee! Meet at E-Hall 5:30pm.


Tuesday Workout: 1 minute pickups @ 5K effort, 20-second fast strides

  • 2-3 mile warmup, drills, and strides
  • 1-minute pickups @ 5k race effort/speed (1-minute jog recovery) 
  • 3 minutes walk/jog recovery in between sets
  • 20-second pickups @ mile race speed (jog 40-second recoveries).
  • 2-3 mile cooldown

Group 1: 12x1 minute @ 5K, 6x20 second strides @ mile effort

Group 2: 10x1 minute @ 5K, 5x20 seconds strides @ mile effort

Group 3: 8x1 minute @ 5K, 4x20 seconds strides @ mile effort

*This is strictly an effort based workout; no need to check your pace; just feel the right effort, and focus on rhythmical running, good posture, and staying calm in the storm, so to speak. The more you can stay calm when applying more speed the more fluid your stride becomes; hence, your efficiency improves and translates to improved race performance.

After the last fartlek pickups, run easy to moderate the remainder of the time. However, the last 5-minutes of this run or any other run should be jogging, to ease your body back to a restorative state that calms your hormones, mind, and lowers physical demand slowly.*



Recovery Day

3-7 miles easy or Light Cross Training

Ancillary: Barefoot 1&3

Thursday Workout: Threshold Work + Hills 

  • 2-3 mi warmup, drills, and a few strides
  • 3-minute intervals @ Threshold/10k effort (1 minute rest/ez jog), 40-sec hill intervals @ mile-3k effort (80 sec jog down recovery)
  • 2 mi cooldown

Group 1: 6x3min, 6x40sec hill

Group 2: 5x3min, 5x40 sec hill

Group 3: 4x3min, 4x40 sec hill 

Ancillary: General Strength Circuits 1-4 (pick 2)


Friday Flex Day

a few miles of easy running, light cross training, or off

Ancillary: *Optional General Strength Circuit (1-4) x1*


Saturday Drews Neubauer Invite (UW-La Crosse)!

Steady Volume Day + 6x20/20 Fartlek Strides

3-8 miles easy

6x20 seconds at mile effort, 20 seconds easy jog. 

Ancillary: General Strength #1-4 (pick 1 circuit)


Sunday Long Run

8-13 miles + 4-6 strides post-run (starting every minute)

Ancillary: Hip/Glute Circuit #1

Thanks for checking out this week's Moosletter! What's something you like about yourself?

Moosletter — Week of October 2nd

New members

If you want to join WTC, become a member on IMLeagues and fill out the three required forms (Membership Consent Form, Supplemental Health Waiver, and Wisconsin Track Club Membership Form). We do not use WIN anymore so it is important to not use that program. Please pay membership dues ($30 for the fall semester or $60 for the year) to @WiscoTC on Venmo. Members must pay dues in order to race with the club. Feel free to join Strava so you can virtually cheer on your fellow teammates of the Wisconsin Track Club!

It's never too late to join WTC! If you missed the first few weeks of practice, no problem. Come whenever you can. See the "workouts" section at the bottom of this site for the practice schedule. If you missed the kickoff meeting, check out the slides.

We switched to slack!

WTC has switched from GroupMe to Slack. Join the Slack here.

Schuster's farm

The herd has a blast submersed in cornfields at Schuster's Farm on Friday!


WTC did yoga on Sunday to decompress from the busy semester. Thank you to Mrs. Wojnowski for teaching a great class!

sign up for meets

Signup for the Drews Invite and Regionals are now open!

Drews/Neubauer Invite (Saturday, October 15): Hosted by UW-La Crosse in West Salem, WI (~2 hour 15 min drive). Races start at 11:20 AM, will be a single-day meet. Signup deadline is Saturday, October 8 at 11:59 PM!

NIRCA Regionals (Saturday, October 22): Hosted by NIRCA in Geneva, IL (near Naperville, ~2 hour drive). Races start at 9:00 AM, so we will leave Madison on Friday afternoon/evening and stay the night in a hotel near the course. There is a home football game against Purdue at 2:30 PM this day. We should get back to Madison between 1-2 pm, so you could still make it to the game if you wish. Unless you plan on going to NIRCA Nationals in Virginia, this will be the last opportunity to race this season. And if you do plan on racing at NIRCA Nationals, then you need to run at Regionals to qualify (no qualifying times, just need to do the race). Signup deadline for regionals is Saturday, October 8 at 11:59 PM!

If you are seriously considering traveling to Virginia for Nationals (November 12), please reach out to Matt Stilling or Alex Beckerman so that they can fill you in on details! Know that transportation will be largely up to you and fairly expensive. The Madison Marathon/Half Marathon is the next day (November 13), so that’s a fun alternative that a lot of people will be doing if you don’t want to drive 30 hours that weekend.

Please reach out to Matt Stilling ( with any questions about meets!

Volunteer with Race

Meet at the picnic point trail entrance at 9am on Saturdays to be paired up to run with a kid with autism! Sign up here.

Freshman Spotlight: tarun Vedula

Tarun is a freshman from Bettendorf, Iowa studying computer and data science! His favorite class this semester is Anthro 105, and his favorite running event is the 1600m. His favorite Track Club memory was the Badger tailgate against UIUC. His favorite part about college so far has been meeting new people from around the world!

Freshman Spotlight: Naomi Olsen

Naomi is a freshman from Arlington, Massachusetts! She is studying nutrition and dietetics. Her favorite class is LSC 251, and her favorite running event is the 800m. Her favorite WTC memory has been the corn maze at Schuster's Farm! Her favorite part of college so far has been meeting so many amazing people from all over the country and hanging out at memorial union. Welcome to WTC Naomi 🙂


SPRINTS: Meet at the Shell at 6:30pm on Monday and McClimon outdoor track at 6pm on Thursday.


Shell 6:30pm

Warm up

Hurdle Mobility:

  1. 1 leg in each 2x

  2. 2 legs in each 2x

  3. Lateral (each way once)

  4. Backwards, 2 legs in each 2x

  5. Over/unders (each way once)

2 accels 


2 sets x 4 x 50m

Rest between reps: walk back

Rest between sets: 4 minutes

Cooldown, stretch and core


McClimon 6pm

Warm up and 2 accels

6 x 150m @ 80-85% 

Rest: 3 minutes

Cooldown, stretch and core


Long sprints:

Warm up and 2 accels

4 x 300m @ 75-80%

Rest: 5 minutes

Cooldown, stretch and core


DISTANCE: Meet at Engineering Hall at 5:30pm Mon-Thurs and 9am Sat/Sun

Monday *Optional Accels* + Easy Volume

*Accels: preferably at a track or turf field with distance markings*

Sprint drills warmup routine and then some neuromuscular speed development

  • Take a little extra time to actively stretch and ‘get loose’ if you need to
  • 4-5x40m accelerations @90-95% max sprint speed (take your time decelerating and run through the accel, it’s okay if you end up 80-100m down the track/field (2 minutes walking or standing recovery in between accels)

Following the accels, run at a very easy pace

3-6 miles, depending on your training load and how you’re feeling.


Tuesday Alternating 800’s + 200’s Workout

  • 2 mi warmup, sprint drills, and a few strides
  • Continuous alternating 800’s (800m @ cross country effort, 800m steady - steady pace should be ~60 seconds slower than CC effort)
  • 3-5 minutes jog/walk rest 
  • 4x200m @ mile effort (200m easy jog rest)
  • 2 mi cooldown

Group 1 & 2: 4 miles of alternating work, 4x200m

Group 3: 3.5 miles of alternating work, 4x200m

Ancillary: General Strength #1-4 (pick 2 circuits)



Recovery Day

3-7 miles easy or Light Cross Training

Ancillary: Barefoot 1&3

Thursday If racing on Saturday: Track Workout - 2x200m, 2x800m, 2x200m

Vdot Pace Chart

*Use Vdot chart to determine paces

**All groups together**

2 mile warmup + drills/strides, 2x200m @ mile (200m jog RC), 2x800m @ CV (200m jog RC), 2x200m @ mile (200m jog RC), 1-2 mi cooldown


Friday Pre-Race

2-6 miles with 4-6 strides and drills


Saturday Gene Davis Invite!

OR if not racing: medium long run

6-10 miles + 4-6 strides post-run (starting every minute)

Ancillary: Hip/Glute Circuit #2


Sunday Flex Day

a few miles of easy running, light cross training, or off

Ancillary: *Optional General Strength Circuit (1-4) x1*

Thanks for checking out this week's Moosletter! Happy fall!

Moosletter Week of September 25th

New members

If you want to join WTC, become a member on IMLeagues and fill out the three required forms (Membership Consent Form, Supplemental Health Waiver, and Wisconsin Track Club Membership Form). We do not use WIN anymore so it is important to not use that program. Please pay membership dues ($30 for the fall semester or $60 for the year) to @WiscoTC on Venmo. Members must pay dues in order to race with the club. Feel free to join Strava so you can virtually cheer on your fellow teammates of the Wisconsin Track Club!

It's never too late to join WTC! If you missed the first few weeks of practice, no problem. Come whenever you can. See the "workouts" section at the bottom of this site for the practice schedule. If you missed the kickoff meeting, check out the slides.

We switched to slack!

WTC has switched from GroupMe to Slack. Join the Slack here.

Roy Griak

Great job to everyone who raced at Roy Griak on Friday!

schuster's farm social

This Friday, September 30th, WTC is headed to Schuster's Farm for a corn maze, pumpkins, and other fall festivities! Sign up closes Wednesday night. It's only a 20 minute drive, and it is indeed the best way to kick off the spooky season.

Volunteer with Race

Meet at the picnic point trail entrance at 9am on Saturdays to be paired up to run with a kid with autism! Sign up here.


Apparel for the fall season is here! Check out the BSN store (closes Monday) and the windbreakers (closes Thursday)! Contact if you would like to purchase a jersey or if you have any questions about apparel.


SPRINTS: Meet at the Shell at 6:30pm on Monday and McClimon outdoor track at 6pm on Thursday.


Shell 6:30pm

Warm up and 2 accels


Ladder workout : 50m, 100m, 150m, 150m, 100m, 50m

Rest: 90 seconds


20m Lower leg strength/rehab circuit:

Toe walks (straight), Heel walks (straight), Toe walks (toes out), Heel walks (toes out), Toe walks (toes in), Heel walks (toes in)



2 x 30m: Alternating bounds, Right leg bounds, Left leg bounds, RRLL bounds

3x50m sprints


20m Lower leg strength/rehab circuit:

Toe walks (straight), Heel walks (straight), Toe walks (toes out), Heel walks (toes out), Toe walks (toes in), Heel walks (toes in)

Cooldown, stretch and core


McClimon 6pm

Short sprints:

Warm up and 2 accels

6 x 150m @ 80-85%

Rest: 3 minutes

Cooldown, stretch and core


Long sprints:

Warm up and 2 accels

4 x 300m @ 75-80%

Rest: 5 minutes

Cooldown, stretch and core


DISTANCE: Meet at Engineering Hall at 5:30pm Mon-Thurs and 9am Sat/Sun

Monday Steady Volume Day + 6x20/20 Fartlek Strides

3-8 miles easy

6x20 seconds at mile effort, 20 seconds very slow jog. This is meant to be challenging and get your HR up, but the overall volume of high paced effort is quite low.


Tuesday Workout: Threshold Work + Hills 

Vdot Pace Chart

Note: threshold pace is roughly 10-15 seconds per mile slower than CV pace

**example: a 17-minute 5k runner would run at 5:40-5:50 min/mi pace for CV effort and 5:50-6:05 min/mi pace for Threshold effort.**

  • 2-3 mi warmup, drills, and a few strides
  • 3-minute intervals @ Threshold effort (1 minute rest/ez jog), 40-sec hill intervals @ mile-3k effort (80-90 sec jog down recovery)
  • 2 mi cooldown

Group 1: 6x3min, 4-6x40 sec hill

Group 2: 5x3min, 4-6x40 sec hill

Group 3: 4x3min, 4-6x40 sec hill 

Ancillary: General Strength #1-4 (pick 2 circuits)



Recovery Day

3-7 miles easy or Light Cross Training

Thursday Track Workout: 300’s @ 3k-5k effort, 100m strides @ mile effort

2 mi warmup + drills/strides, interval workout, 2 mi cooldown

  • 300m @ 3k-5k race effort/speed (100m ez jog between intervals, 3 minutes walk/jog recovery in between sets)
  • 100m strides @ mile race speed (jog 40-60 second recoveries).

Group 1: 10x300m @ 3k-5k, 4x100m strides @ mile effort

Group 2: 8-10x300m @ 3k-5k, 4x100m strides @ mile effort

Group 3: 8x300m @ 3k-5k, 4x100m strides @ mile effort

*This is strictly an effort based workout; just feel the right effort, and focus on rhythmical running, good posture, and staying calm in the storm, so to speak. The more you can stay calm when applying more speed the more fluid your stride becomes; hence, your efficiency improves and translates to improved race performance.

Ancillary: General Strength #1-4 (pick 2 circuits)


Friday Recovery Day 

3-7 miles easy or Light Cross Training

Ancillary: none or Core


Saturday Long Run + strides

8-13 miles + 4-6 post-run strides (starting every minute)

Ancillary: Hip/Glute Circuit #1

Sunday Flex day

a few miles of easy running, light cross training, or off

Ancillary: *Optional General Strength Circuit (1-4) x1*

Thanks for checking out this week's Moosletter! What is your favorite thing about fall?

Moosletter Week of September 18th

New members

If you want to join WTC, become a member on IMLeagues and fill out the three required forms (Membership Consent Form, Supplemental Health Waiver, and Wisconsin Track Club Membership Form). We do not use WIN anymore so it is important to not use that program. Please pay membership dues ($30 for the fall semester or $60 for the year) to @WiscoTC on Venmo. Members must pay dues in order to race with the club. Feel free to join Strava so you can virtually cheer on your fellow teammates of the Wisconsin Track Club!

It's never too late to join WTC! If you missed the first couple weeks of practice, no problem. Come whenever you can. See the "workouts" section at the bottom of this site for the practice schedule. If you missed the kickoff meeting, check out the slides.

We switched to slack!

WTC has switched from GroupMe to Slack. Join the Slack here.

Border battle

Great job to everyone who raced at Border Battle on Saturday! Congrats to Lauren and Nel for placing in the top 5 for women.

Volunteer with Race

Meet at the picnic point trail entrance at 9am on Saturdays to be paired up to run with a kid with autism! Sign up here.


Apparel for the fall season is here! Check out the BSN store (closes Sept 26) and the windbreakers (closes Sept 29)! Contact if you would like to purchase a jersey or if you have any questions about apparel.


SPRINTS: Meet at the Shell at 6:30pm on Monday and McClimon outdoor track at 6pm on Thursday.


Shell 6:30pm

Warm up and 2 accels

3 sets x 4 x 50m

Rest between reps: walk back

Rest between sets: 4 minutes

Cooldown, stretch and core


McClimon 6pm

Short sprints:

Warm up and 2 accels

6-8 x 200m @ 75%

Rest: 4 minutes

Cooldown, stretch and core

OR long sprints:

Warm up and 2 accels

3-4 x 400m @ 75%

Rest: 6 minutes

Cooldown, stretch and core


DISTANCE: Meet at Engineering Hall at 5:30pm Mon-Thurs and 9am Sat/Sun

Monday Steady Volume Day + 6x20/20 Fartlek Strides

3-8 miles easy

6x20 seconds at mile effort, 20 seconds very slow jog. This is meant to be challenging and get your HR up, but the overall volume of high paced effort is quite low.


Tuesday Threshold Work + 20-second pickups @ 1500m to 800m speed

Vdot Pace Chart

Note: threshold pace is roughly 10-15 seconds per mile slower than CV pace

**example: a 17-minute 5k runner would run at 5:40-5:50 min/mi pace for CV effort and 5:50-6:05 min/mi pace for Threshold effort.**

2 mile warmup + drills/strides, continuous threshold run (CTR) or threshold intervals +

20-second pickups @ 1500m to 800m speed (jog 20-second recoveries), 2 mile cooldown

Group 1: 3mi CTR, 8x20-sec pickups

Group 2: 2mi @ threshold (2 minute jog rest) - 1mi @ threshold, 8x20-sec pickups

Group 3: 3x1mi @ threshold (2 minute jog rest), 6x20-sec pickups



Recovery Day

3-7 miles easy or Light Cross Training

Thursday If racing at Roy Griak: Pre-Meet

3-6 miles easy + 4 strides or Light Cross Training

If not racing: Track Workout - 800-1k Intervals @ VO2

Vdot Pace Chart

*Use the blue interval 800 & 1k columns to find your pace

2 mi warmup + drills/strides, interval workout, 2 mi cooldown

Group 1 & 2: 5x1k (2 min ez jog/walk rest)

Group 3: 4-5x800m (2 min ez jog/walk rest)

Friday Roy Griak!

If not racing: Recovery Day 

3-7 miles easy or Light Cross Training


Saturday Long Run + strides

8-13 miles + 4-6 post-run strides (starting 60-90 sec)

*if you raced Griak, treat today as a “Medium Long Run” - running about 75-80% of what you’ve been running for your weekly long run*

Ancillary: Hip/Glute Circuit #2


Sunday Flex day

a few miles of easy running, light cross training, or off

Ancillary: *Optional General Strength Circuit (1-4) x1*

Thanks for checking out this week's Moosletter! Who are you grateful for this week?

Moosletter Week of September 11th

Welcome back!

Welcome back Cows! We hope you had a fun summer with an abundance of running. We are excited to kick off the cross country season and meet some new faces! Thank you to everyone who came out to the first week of distance practice last week (WTC record turnout!) We hope to see you all again. If you missed the first couple distance practices, no problem! Come whenever you can. See the "workouts" section at the bottom of this site for the practice schedule.

Summer track series recap

  • This summer, the Wisconsin Track Club put on our 29th annual Summer Track Series! Thanks to long-time meet director Jim Reardon, we were able to organize five full scale track and field meets for the Madison community on Thursday nights throughout the summer for over 200 athletes of all ages and abilities. This year, we were fortunate enough to use the venues at Sun Prairie East High School, Middleton High School, and Vel Phillips Memorial High School. Summer Track Series is our biggest fundraiser and an amazing way to give back to the Madison community, so we thank each and every one of you for coming out to volunteer!
  • Additionally, this summer, we were able to put together a vision several years in the making: the Dane County Track and Field Championships! This meet served as a culmination to the Summer Track Series as well as a championship meet for residents of Dane County! This was an all-day event with music, food trucks, vendors, a t-shirt sale, and, of course, tons of fun! Thank you to our partners Movin Shoes and Badger Track Club for your support!
  • Thank you again to everyone who volunteered at the Summer Track Series this summer! Until next year!

We switched to slack!

WTC has switched from GroupMe to Slack. Join the Slack here.

New members

If you want to join WTC, become a member on IMLeagues and fill out the three required forms (Membership Consent Form, Supplemental Health Waiver, and Wisconsin Track Club Membership Form). We do not use WIN anymore so it is important to not use that program. Please pay membership dues ($30 for the fall semester or $60 for the year) to @WiscoTC on Venmo. Members must pay dues in order to race with the club. Feel free to join Strava so you can virtually cheer on your fellow teammates of the Wisconsin Track Club!

Badger Open

Great job to everyone who raced at the Badger Open on Thursday!

Pictures here

Intrasquad 5k

Great job to everyone who ran at the Intrasquad 5k on Friday! Congrats to Team 4 for winning. Thank you to our volunteers for helping out!

Student Org fair

Interested in learning more about the Wisconsin Track Club? Come visit us at the Student Org Fair on Tuesday, September 13th or Wednesday, September 14th at table 364 at the Kohl Center anytime between 5-8pm. Learn more about the club and meet some of our board members!

Kickoff meeting

Get the rundown on what WTC has to offer by coming to the kickoff meeting on Thursday, September 15th at 8pm in room 2650 Humanities. Free pizza!

Sign up for meets!

Signup is now open for the following cross country meets. Women race a 6k and men race an 8k.
  • Border Battle - Saturday, September 17th at Verona High School (20 min drive). If you do not want to run at Border Battle, please consider volunteering! See the "volunteering opportunities" section below for details.
  • Roy Griak - Friday, September 23rd at the University of Minnesota (4 hr drive).

Volunteering Opportunities

Sign up for the following WTC volunteer opportunities here.

RACE: Meet at the picnic point trail entrance at 9am on Saturdays to be paired up to run with a kid with autism!

Border Battle: If you do not want to race at Border Battle, volunteer to help WTC put on a great race the morning of Saturday, September 17th!


SPRINTS: Meet at McClimon outdoor track at 6pm on Thursday, September 15th

Warm up and 2 accels
6-8 x 100m at 75% effort
Rest: 2 minutes

Stretch and core


DISTANCE: Meet at Engineering Hall at 5:30pm Mon-Thurs and 9am Sat/Sun



Steady Volume Day + 6x20/20 Fartlek Strides

3-8 miles easy

6x20 seconds at mile effort, 20 seconds very slow jog. This is meant to be challenging and get your HR up, but the overall volume of high paced effort is quite low.


Tinman-Style Workout

Vdot Pace Chart

*Use the Vdot pace chart in the link above to determine your CV pace. While the time trial was performed on the bike trail, use the “5k trk” column to find your finishing time. After finding your time, you can scroll over to see corresponding workout paces. CV pace is on the far right side of the chart.*

2 mi warmup + drills/strides, 3-minute intervals @ Critical Velocity (CV) effort (1 minute rest/ez jog), 40-sec hill intervals @ mile-3k effort (80-90 sec jog down recovery), 15-sec fartlek strides @ mile effort (30 sec ez jog recovery), 2 mi cooldown

Group 1: 5x3min, 5x40sec hill, 5x15 sec strides

Group 2: 4x3min, 4x40 sec hill, 4x15sec strides

Group 3: 3x3min, 3x40 sec hill, 3x15 sec strides


Recovery Day

3-7 miles easy or Light Cross Training


If not racing on Saturday: Track Workout - Interval intensity

Vdot Pace Chart

2 mi warmup + drills/strides, Interval effort work (3 minute ez jog/walk rest), 2 mi cooldown

  • Workout focused on improving aerobic power - forcing the body to perform near VO2max.

  • Take your mile PR (or best guess) and add 6-8 seconds per laps from this mile pace (ex. For a 5:00 miler (75 seconds per lap), you would be running ~81-83 seconds per lap at “Interval intensity”)

Group 1&2: 4x1200m

Group 3: 4x1000m

If racing on Saturday: Track Workout - 2x200m, 800m, 2x200m

Vdot Pace Chart

*Use Vdot chart to determine paces

**All groups together**

2 mile warmup + drills/strides, 2x200m @ mile (200m jog RC), 1x800m @ 5k (400m jog RC), 2x200m @ mile (200m jog RC), 1-2 mi cooldown


Recovery Day

3-7 miles easy + 4 strides or Light Cross Training

Saturday Border Battle Meet


Long Run + strides

7-13 miles + 4-6 post-run strides (starting every minute)


Flex day

a few miles of easy running, light cross training, or off

Thanks for checking out this week's Moosletter! What was the highlight of your summer? Comment below!

May Moosletter 2022

in this issue:

April Recap



Bags tournament

Shoe Drive

upcoming meets

Summer Track Series

Paid running research opportunity

Volunteering Opportunities

Freshman spotlights

Workouts this week

April recap

NIRCA Nationals

Pioneer Open

Spring Formal



Drake Alternative

Crazylegs Classic


Our lady cows had a blast at zumba on Monday! Thank you to our VP of Women's Distance, Ava Wojnowski, for planning it. If you missed out on the fun, do not worry... there will be more zumba classes for the females on Monday, May 2nd from 5:30-6:30pm and Saturday, May 7th from 12-1pm!

kickball social

On Wednesday, May 4th, WTC and the Wisconsin Triathlon Club will go head-to-head in kickball! Meet at Engineering Hall at 5:30pm. All members are welcome to come play!

Bags tournament

Sign-up is open for the bags tournament on Saturday, May 7th at Ed Klief Park at 4pm! All members are welcome to participate. If you are in the Moo Mentorship program, you are encouraged to partner up with your mentor/mentee!

shoe drive

The WTC Diversity and Inclusion committee is putting on a shoe drive, where anybody can donate their old running shoes. Bring your old running shoes to kickball or the bags tournament (see above) to donate! If you are unable to make it, keep an eye out in GroupMe, email, and the weekly bulletin for other opportunities to donate your old running shoes.

upcoming meets

Eagle Open (Friday, May 13th): WTC's last official meet of the season is at UW-La Crosse beginning at 2:00 pm! Cars will leave Madison around 11:00 am. Sign-up closes May 6th at 11:59 pm.

Wisco Mile (Saturday, June 11th): The Wisco Mile is an annual race held at Wisconsin Lutheran HS in Milwaukee. It's a big community outdoor track meet where everyone runs a mile or 5k. The winner of each race gets a pineapple. 🙂 Sign-up and race info found at this link. This is a great opportunity to get one last track race in!

Summer track series

  • It is that time of year again to start gauging volunteer interest for the Wisconsin Track Club’s most important volunteering and fundraising event of the year—the Summer Track Series! STS is a series of five community track and field meets that occur on various Thursday nights throughout June and July. These meets are put on at various locations throughout the entire Madison community and are open to all ages and abilities.
  • Not only is STS a wonderful community event, but it serves as the main fundraiser for the Wisconsin Track Club. The funds raised from the series go towards lowering the costs of meets for our members and the travel costs associated with them.

This year is the 29th annual Summer Track Series, and thankfully, we are back to full-scale track and field meets! In order to make it a success, we need your help volunteering! Volunteer positions include managing specific events, working at the registration table or timing athletes out on the track. The more volunteers, the better! If you are in Madison this summer, please consider joining the Summer Track Series committee! The committee will consist of those closely involved with planning for the series (venues, dates, events, coordinating with clubs) and hopefully will serve as an infrastructure of volunteers who can commit to helping at meets. If you are interested, please email Lauren Fitzsimmons (

Paid Running research opportunity

The UW Badger Athletic Performance Lab is conducting a research project to test the reliability of a new way to use Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to measure skeletal muscle properties!

If you choose to participate, you will attend one study. You will visit the MRI facility at the Wisconsin Institute for Medical Research building or UW Hospital for a single, 60 minute data collection. You will be compensated $75 for your time.

You may be eligible if you are 18-40 years of age, are regularly active, and are comfortable undergoing MRI scans.

If you are interested in participating, email Christa Wille, PT, DPT at for more information.

Volunteering opportunities

RACE: RACE has begun! Meet at the picnic point trail entrance at 9am on Saturdays to be paired up to run with a kid with autism! No signup necessary, just show up!

Summer Track Series: See the "Summer Track Series" section above to learn about volunteering for STS in Madison this summer.

Freshman Spotlight: Jaecan Fratzke

Major: Undecided but on a pre-med track

Favorite track event: 200m

Favorite track club memory: I don’t know if I could narrow it down to one favorite memory. I just really enjoy being able to run and compete, while at the same time hanging out with great people at practice and meets.

Hardest final coming up: O-chem

Something he is looking forward to this summer: Warmer weather and lake days

Freshman Spotlight: Claudia Salgado

Major: Legal Studies and Sociology with a certificate in Gender and Women's Studies

Favorite track event: 5k and mile

Favorite track club memory: After such a long day at Club Relays, when they played “Jump Around” everyone, as tired as they were, ended up jumping and singing!

Hardest final coming up: Econ

Something she is looking forward to this summer: Increasing her mileage in warmer weather



6pm Mon meet at McClimon outdoor track

5:30pm Wed meet at Engineering Hall for kickball

6pm Tues/Thurs meet in the Shell

  1. Warm up and accels
  2. Workout: 4 x 4 x 60m @ 95%
    1. Rest 
      1. Between sets: 5 minutes
      2. Rest between reps: walk back
  3. Cooldown core and stretch


  1. Warm up
  2. Mini hurdle drills 2x
    1. Over the knee rotary
    2. Single leg hop 2x (switch leg)
    3. Two leg hop
    4. Fast leg 2x (switch leg) 
  3. Workout:
    1. 3 strides
    2. Block starts, hurdle work, jumps or an active recovery workout
  4. Stretch and core


Wednesday Kickball against Tri Club! Meet at Engineering Hall at 5:30pm.

Optional workout on your own:

  1. Warm up and accels
  2. Workout Option 1: 4 - 5 x 400 @ 70- 75%
    1. Rest: 4  minutes
  3. Workout Option 2: 8 x 150 @ 70 - 75%
    1. Rest: 2 minutes
  4. Cooldown, stretch and core


Thursday We hoopin and enjoying the day


5:30pm Mon-Thurs meet outside of Engineering Hall

Monday Mid-distance workout

Base Run + 150m Flys

3-6 miles easy with 3-4 x 150m Flys. Use the first 50m to build into it and then work down to 800m/400m effort (250m walking recovery). No cooldown. 

Long distance workout

Base Run + 200m Zooms

4-7 miles easy with 3-4 x 200m Zooms (200m slow jog recovery). Each 50m faster than the previous one (ie. 10k-5k-3k-mile). No cooldown

Ancillary: Medball Circuit #1, Core #1


Tuesday Recovery Day

3-7 miles easy or Light Cross Training

Ancillary: none


Wednesday Kickball against Tri Club! Meet at Engineering Hall at 5:30pm.

Option to do the workout on your own:

Last Big Workout (10 days out) before the La Crosse Last Chance Meet

Middle Distance

2-3 mile easy warmup + drills and a few strides

400 almost all out: ~95% effort (8’ recovery)

2x800m @ 5k effort (2’ recovery)

3’ recovery after the 800’s

3x200m @ 800m effort (2’ recovery)

1-2 mile cooldown


Long Distance

2-3 mile easy warmup + drills and a few strides

4x800m @ 5k pace (400m steady recovery)

5’ recovery (walk or light jog) 

800m cutdown: Each 200m progressively faster, finishing close to mile effort

1-2 mile cooldown

Ancillary: General Strength #1-4 (pick 1-2 circuits)


Thursday Recovery Day 

3-7 miles easy & barefoot circuits 1&3 (see previous weeks for exercises)


Friday Base Run + 4-6 strides

6-9 miles easy with 4-6 x 100m strides at the end of the run. 

Ancillary: General Strength Circuit (1-4) x1*

Saturday Long Run 

8-12 miles easy

Ancillary: Hip/Glute Circuit #1


Sunday Flex Day

a few miles of easy running, light cross training, or off

Ancillary: *Optional General Strength Circuit (1-4) x1*

Thanks for checking out the May Moosletter. What was the highlight of your April?

April Moosletter 2022

in this issue:

March Recap

race to the pasture time trial

upcoming meets

Volunteering Opportunities

Freshman spotlights

Workouts this week

March recap

Indoor → Outdoor

Pointer Final Qualifier

Spring Break

Race to the Pasture Time Trial

Race to the pasture Time trial

We are heading into the outdoor track season! Our Cows got the legs moving on Saturday, March 27th at the Race to the Pasture time trial. Thank you to everybody who came out to race or volunteer despite the cold!



upcoming meets

NIRCA Nationals: We are kicking off the outdoor track season with NIRCA Nationals the weekend of April 2nd in Olivet, MI! Meet information can be found here. Reminder to get your Moo Mentor/Mentee a gift for Nationals, if you are in the Moo Mentorship Program.

Pioneer Open: Signup is open for the Pioneer Open, which is on Saturday, April 9th at Carroll University! Signup closes on Sunday, April 3rd at noon. Sign up for the Pioneer Open and any other meet this season here!

Volunteering opportunities

RACE starts on Saturday, April 9th! Meet at the picnic point trail entrance at 9am every Saturday to be paired up to run with a kid with autism! No signup necessary, just show up!

Ainsley’s Angels (AA) is an organization where you help mobility-challenged children complete races by pushing them in racing wheelchairs.

On Sunday, April 24th, Ainsley’s Angels will be hosting an educational session at the YMCA and needs 5-10 volunteers to help with set-up and demonstrations! More information about the organization here:

Glow Run 5k: Ainsley’s Angels will be at the Glow Run 5k on Saturday, April 30th! This is an opportunity to run with Ainsley’s Angels and help someone complete a race.

Sign-up and info about all these events can be found here.

Freshman Spotlight: Dylan hartnek

Dylan Hartnek is a fun, dedicated WTC calf who always comes to practice ready to run and spend time with his buddies, specifically Alex E, Justin, Trenton, Brendon, Derek, Riley, and Alex M. He is double majoring in Political Science and Legal Studies. His favorite event is high jump and his best post-race meal is the Culver’s bacon deluxe double with cheese curds and soda (3/4 root beer and 1/4 Dr Pepper)! Something he does not miss about high school is waking up at 6:20am. His favorite WTC memory is running his season record 8k at XC regionals! The most valuable lesson he has learned in college so far is to avoid trying to sneak into frat parties... Something he is looking forward to in his coming college career is not having to take math classes in the future; he doesn't like math.

Freshman Spotlight: Kaylee Rajek

Kaylee Rajek is a friendly, fun calf who comes to meets and practices with a smile! She is majoring in biochemistry, her favorite event is triple jump, and her favorite post-race meal is pickles and cheese sticks! Something she does not miss about high school is living in Wausau Wisconsin. Her favorite track club memory is competing in the 4x200m at Club Relays 🙂 The most valuable lesson she has learned in college so far is that finding your people takes time, but once you do, it’s worth the wait (and to clean your Brita). In her coming college career, she is looking forward to meeting more amazing people and hopefully passing Organic Chemistry (WTC believes in you Kaylee!)


SPRINTS: Meet at the Shell at 6:30pm Monday-Thursday

  1. Warm up and accels
  2. Workouts option 1:
    1. 150m, 200m, 300, 200m, 150m
    2. Pace ~ @ 85 - 90%
  3. Workout option 2:
    1. 150m, 300m, 400, 300m, 150m,
      1. Rest after  
  4. Rest
    1. Rest after 150m/200m - 3 minutes
    2. Rest after 300m+ - 5 minutes
  5. Cooldown, stretch and core



    1. Warm up
    2. Hurdle mobility -    
      1. 1 leg in each 2x
      2. 2 legs in each 2x
      3. Lateral (each way once)
      4. Backwards, 2 legs in each twice
      5. Lateral over/unders (each way once)
    3. Workout:
      1. 3 strides
      2. Block starts, hurdle work, jumps or an active recovery workout
    4. Stretch and core


  1. Warm up
  2. Mini hurdle drills 
    1. Over the knee rotatry
    2. Single leg hop 2x (switch leg)
    3. Two leg hop
    4. Two leg hop and hold
    5. Fast leg 2x (switch leg)
  3. Workout
    1. 4 x 150 @ 75 - 80%
    2. Rest: 2 minutes



    1. Warm up
    2. Hurdle mobility -    
      1. 1 leg in each 2x
      2. 2 legs in each 2x
      3. Lateral (each way once)
      4. Backwards, 2 legs in each twice
      5. Lateral over/unders (each way once)
    3. Workout:
      1. 3 strides
      2. Block starts, hurdle work, jumps or an active recovery workout
    4. Stretch and core


5:30pm Mon meet in the Shell

5:30pm Tues-Thurs meet outside of Engineering Hall



Mid-distance workout

2-3 mile easy warmup + drills and a few strides

Mile and 800m Intervals: 

600m (1mi), 200 (800m), 500 (1mi), 200 (800m), 400m (first 200m @ mile, last 200m kick!) 2-4 minutes rest b/t reps

1-2 mile cooldown


Long-distance workout

2-3 mile easy warmup + drills and a few strides

Alternation workout:

4x1200m (600m @ 5k, 600m steady), 2-3 minutes rest b/t reps

1-2 mile cooldown

Ancillary: Medball Circuit #2, Core #2



E Hall

Recovery Day

3-7 miles easy or Light Cross Training

Ancillary: none



E Hall


Pre-Nationals Workout - Fartlek & Stride Work

2-3 mile easy warmup + drills and a few strides

Fartlek: 6-8x1minute (2 minute easy jog recovery). Start at 3k effort and work down to mile effort during the fartlek intervals. After 1-minute intervals, take 3 minutes rest and then run 30 seconds FAST (effort almost all out, without overstraining). 

1-2 mile cooldown



Pre-Nationals Workout - Fartlek & Stride Work

2 mile easy warmup + drills and a few strides

Fartlek: 5min @ Marathon effort, 5min easy, 5min @ Half Marathon effort, 5 min easy, 5 min @ 10k effort, 5 min easy, 5 minutes of strides (15sec hard w/ 45sec easy)

No cooldown, finish with strides. 

Ancillary: General Strength #1-4 (pick 1-2 circuits)



E Hall

Recovery Day 

3-7 miles easy & barefoot circuits 1&3 (see previous weeks for exercises)



No official practice

If competing in Saturday’s meet

Easy pre-meet 

3-5 miles with 3-4 light strides


If not competing in Saturday’s meet

Flex Day

a few miles of easy running, light cross training, or off

Ancillary: *Optional General Strength Circuit (1-4) x1*



NIRCA Nationals


If not competing at Nationals: Long Run 

8-12 miles (first half relaxed, second half faster) + 4 strides at the end of the run

Ancillary: Hip/Glute Circuit #2



NIRCA Nationals

NIRCA Nats Day 2!

If not competing at Nationals: Recovery Day + Strides

3-7 miles easy w/ 6-8 strides

Ancillary: General Strength Circuit (1-4) x1*


Thanks for checking out the April Moosletter. Follow us on Instagram @wtccows 🙂

March Moosletter 2022

in this issue:

February Recap

update on the season

upcoming meets

dinner at dining halls


Workouts this week

february recap

Ice Skating

Big Dawg Invite

Dick Hendricks Invite

Lake Crossing


Dinner at Dining Halls

Club Relays

update on the season

We are nearing the end of the indoor track season! We have competed in four out of five meets so far. Our Cows have set meet records, won races, and, in other words, achieved. 🙂

Great job to everyone who competed this weekend at Club Relays! Women took 2nd and men took 3rd out of 15 teams. Claire Biegalski broke the meet record in the 60m hurdles with a time of 9.20 and some of our sprinters got silly in their 4x400m relay!

Club Relays Pictures

Club Relays Results

upcoming meets

Pointer Final Qualifier: Our last meet of the indoor season, the Pointer Final Qualifier, is on Saturday, March 5th. Good luck to those competing! Meet information can be found here. Members are not required to test for COVID before the meet, and each driver will decide if masks are required in their car. Individual members are welcome to get tested and wear masks, if they prefer.

Nationals: Nationals for outdoor track is the weekend of April 2nd in Olivet, MI. Stay tuned for signup details!

dinner at dining halls

We had a blast at dinner at Gordon last Thursday! Don't worry lakeshore folks, we are headed to Dejope this Thursday, March 3rd, for dinner at 7pm!


Distance: For the next few weeks, distance runners will meet outside of Engineering Hall three times Mon-Thurs at 5:30pm! Once a week, distance will meet and practice in the Shell for a speed workout. Masks are required at all times in the Shell. Please check the "workouts" section of this site to find out which day to meet in the Shell each week. The week of February 27th, distance will meet in the Shell on Wednesday, March 2nd. Long runs are 9am at E Hall on Saturday for fast cows and Sunday for faster cows.

Sprints: For the next couple months, sprints/field will meet Monday-Thursday at 6:30pm in the Shell.

For more details about this week's workouts, see the "workouts" section at the bottom of the page!

New members

It's never too late to join the Wisconsin Track Club!

  • If you missed the kickoff meeting, check out the slides. There are QR codes in the slides that link to GroupMe chats and more WTC opportunities you don't want to miss!
  • Become a member of the Wisconsin Track Club on IMLeagues and fill out the three required forms (Membership Consent Form, Supplemental Health Waiver, and Wisconsin Track Club Membership Form). We do not use WIN anymore, so it is important to not use that program.
  • Please pay membership dues for the season by sending $30 to @WiscoTC on Venmo! Members must pay dues in order to race with the club.
  • Join Strava so you can virtually cheer on your fellow teammates of the Wisconsin Track Club!

membership dues

All members must pay membership dues for the season by sending $30 to @WiscoTC on Venmo! This money goes toward paying for meets, socials, apparel, etc. This does not entirely cover meet fees; members must pay an additional fee for each meet they sign up for. Reminder to pay the Club Relays meet fee ($30) if you have not already.


SPRINTS: Meet at the Shell at 6:30pm Monday-Thursday

  1. Warm up and accels 
  2. Workout
    1. 4 - 5 x 200 @ 95-100%
    2. Rest: 8-10 minutes
  3. Cooldown 
  1. Warm up
  2. Hurdle mobility - 
    1. 1 leg in each 2x
    2. 2 legs in each 2x
    3. Lateral (each way once)
    4. Backwards, 2 legs in each twice
    5. Lateral over/unders (each way once)
  3. Workout:
    1. 3 strides
    2. Block starts, hurdle work, and/or jumps
    3. If you are competing in a running event this weekend, please do at least 5 block starts
  4. Stretch and core
  1. Warm up and accels
  2. Workout: Ins n outs
    1. 30m accel, 10m in, 10m out, 10m in
    2. Rest 5 minutes 
  3. Cooldown, stretch and core
  1. Warm up
  2. Hurdle mobility - 
    1. 1 leg in each 2x
    2. 2 legs in each 2x
    3. Lateral (each way once)
    4. Backwards, 2 legs in each twice
    5. Lateral over/unders (each way once)
  3. Workout:
    1. 3 strides
    2. Block starts, hurdle work, and/or jumps
    3. If you are competing in a running event this weekend, please do at least 5 block starts
  4. Stretch and core


5:30pm Wed meet in the Shell

5:30pm Mon, Tues, Thurs and 9am Sat/Sun meet outside of Engineering Hall


E Hall

Mid-distance workout

Strength endurance + speed hill circuits. All groups together. 

      Easy distance run for 2-3 miles prior to intervals. Following easy running, perform 

      drills and then run hills.

      4-6x1min hill reps @ 3k effort with slow jog down recovery, 4 minutes rest after

the last 1-minute rep, then 4-6x10sec hill sprints @ 800m effort with slow walk down recovery

      2 mile cooldown. 


Long-distance workout

Strength endurance + speed hill circuits. All groups together. 

      Easy distance run for 2-3 miles prior to intervals. Following easy running, perform 

      drills and then run the hill circuits.

      6-8x1min hill reps @ 3k effort with slow jog down recovery, 4 minutes rest after

the last rep, then 3-4x10sec hill sprints @ 800m effort with walk down recovery

       2-3 mile cooldown.

Ancillary: Medball Circuit #1, Core #1



E Hall

Recovery Day

3-7 miles easy or Light Cross Training

Ancillary: none




Mid-distance workout

200m intervals @ mile effort. All groups together.

     2 mile warmup + a few strides

     2x(4x200m) @ mile effort. 200m slow jog between reps, 3 minutes rest    

     between sets.

     2 mile cooldown


Long-distance workout

Alternation workout @ 5k & steady effort. All groups together. 

    2 mile easy warmup + a few strides

    4x(400m @ 5k effort, 800m steady effort) of continuous effort. Should be  

    4800m of total work (~3miles)

    2 mile easy cooldown

Ancillary: General Strength #1-4 (pick 1-2 circuits)



E hall

Recovery Day + Strides

3-7 miles easy & barefoot circuits 1&3


Barefoot #1 (each exercise performed for 10-15meters)

Can be done on track / grass / sand / indoors

  1. Forward walk
  2. Backward walk
  3. Toes in walk
  4. Toes out walk                   
  5. Outside of foot walk
  6. Inside of foot walk
  7. Toe walk
  8. Heel walk

Barefoot #3

  1. Straight leg, spell alphabet – L/R
  2. Toe grab scoot – pull forward with toes and move forward x 20
  3. Squatting calf raises – in 90° squat position, then raise heels x 10
  4. Side foot calf raises - L/R, on lateral side of foot x 10 each foot
  5. Everted toe squat – toes pointed out, on toes, squat x 10
  6. Toe lunge walk – lunge while staying on toes x 10 meters



No official practice

If competing in Saturday’s meet: Easy pre-meet 

3-5 miles with 3-4 light strides


If not competing in Saturday’s meet: Flex Day

a few miles of easy running, light cross training, or off

Ancillary: *Optional General Strength Circuit (1-4) x1*



Meet or 9am E Hall

UWSP Last Chance Meet

If not competing in today’s meet

Long Run

Easy long run for distance 8-14 miles, depending on your mileage

Ancillary: Hip/Glute Circuit #1



9am E hall

Recovery Day + Strides

3-7 miles easy w/ 6-8 strides

Ancillary: General Strength Circuit (1-4) x1*


Thanks for checking out the March Moosletter. Which WTC member made a difference for you this February?