Moosletter — Week of May 12th

Graduate Goodbye- Alex Beckerman

With the end of the school year, it is time to say goodbye to all of our graduating crusty cows 🙁 We will miss you all very much!

1. What are you getting your graduate degree in and what are your post graduation plans?

I am getting my Masters in Design + Innovation (1 year Interdisciplinary design program w/ partner schools of Engineering, Human Ecology, Information, Art, and Business). I also got my undergrad degree here in Computer Science, Psychology, and a minor in Game Design.
I graduate in August, so I am currently on the job hunt right now. I am looking at jobs in User Experience design and research, and possibly game design.

2. What initially drew you to join the Wisconsin Track Club, and how did you get involved?

I knew that I wanted to run in college to some capacity, but I also had some alumni from my highschool who did track club their freshman/sophomore year and loved it. I was very much enticed by the fact that the club lets you do d3 running with the freedom to set your own schedule.
I got involved by going to meets, practices, and socials regularly. I also served an appointed position, webmaster, which I really enjoyed because I got to work with the board and understand more about what goes on behind the scenes of the club. It also gave me the confidence to eventually run for travel coordinator (which I swept so cleanly that I didn’t even have an opponent). Being on the board really get me involved in club operations and helped me get to know other cows.

3. What was your most memorable moment with the Wisconsin Track Club, and why did it stand out to you?

My most memorable track club moment was the first WTC camping trip. I had never been to Devil’s Lake before, and it was really great to explore nature and hang out by the beach with the cows. I absolutely love smores and bonfires too. I think it really helped me get to know some of the cows, as I think the camping trip sometimes brings out people who weren’t involved before.
Honorable mention: that one bay loop run in fall 2022 where we talked about the implications of the pope in Cars 2 on the cars universe as a whole.

4. What will you miss about the club when you graduate?

I will miss the community of the club. Track club has been such a great way to meet people and I’ve really felt like I’ve gotten the same level of community that I got from my cross country team in high school. I will miss all of the friends I have made along the way, which was the real treasure.
I might also miss being called the Wizard, although I currently have plans to incorporate it into my personal website, so maybe it’ll stick.

5. What advice would you give current or future WTC members?

Go back in time so that you can get the 10 years of experience that employers are looking for.
But actually: my piece of advice: don’t be afraid to get involved. The club has a lot of great opportunities in volunteering, running, and socializing, and some of them are the most fun I have ever had. I think this also applies to a lot of things in life, like applying to jobs or starting a cult making friends.

6. Do you have any last words you would like to say to the Wisconsin Track Club before you leave?

Sign up to be an authorized driver! You don’t even have to drive! It just makes travel for the club way easier!

Eagle Open!

The cows had a great time competing in the Eagle Open last week Friday and we had many amazing performances!! With this, our track season is officially over!! Congratulations to all of the cows that competed at all of the meets and the Cows that broke many records this season!!

Summer Track Series

As the school year is wrapping up, our preparations for the Summer Track Series – Wisconsin Track Club’s most important volunteering and fundraising event of the year – are in full swing.

What is the Summer Track Series?

STS is a series of community track and field meets organized by WTC that occur on various Thursday nights throughout June and July, culminating in the Dane County Championships at the end of July. These meets are put on at various tracks around the Madison area and are open to all ages and abilities. When we say “all,” we mean all – it doesn’t matter if an athlete is 5 years old or 75 years old, there’s a spot for them at STS! The Summer Track Series attracts hundreds of athletes every summer and fosters interest in track and field throughout the greater Madison community, making it a wonderful way to give back to this sport that we all love.

How does STS help the Wisconsin Track Club?

In addition to being a fantastic community event, STS serves as the main fundraiser for WTC. Profits from the meets go directly to lowering costs throughout the year for our members: reduced meet fees, free team dinners, fun socials, and more! For instance, we were able to cut the meet fee for NIRCA Nationals earlier this month roughly in half using funds generated from STS. A successful Summer Track Series means that we can continue to keep our club events affordable and accessible to all, so that’s why we need your help!

So how can I help?

Volunteer! STS wouldn’t be possible without the volunteers who ensure that our meets run smoothly. We truly appreciate each and every one of you! Volunteer positions include managing field events, working at the registration table, moving hurdles, and more. Stay on the lookout for a volunteer sign-up once we get closer to the meet dates.

All of the info for volunteering and to sign up for upcoming events is all found on the volunteering calendar. If you have any question or concerns contact our volunteer coordinator, Jenna Auth!

LAST WTC Wordle and CoWnnections!

Click here for the wordle!

Click here for Cownnections!


SPRINTS- MON-THUR 5:30 p.m. Location depends on day- Check in slack.

No official practices for the rest of the season 🙁

DISTANCE- MON-THUR 5:30 p.m. at Engineering Hall

No official practices for the rest of the season 🙁


Join us

To become a member of the Wisconsin Track Club, please pay membership dues for the season by sending $30 to @WiscoTC on Venmo. Check out our registration site by clicking here.

Join our Slack, Strava, and Facebook groups.

We hope you come out to train, race, and socialize with us!

Thanks for checking out this week's Moosletter! Remember to reach out to any of the board members if you have any questions or concerns!