Moosletter — Week of February 4th


Thank you to everyone who attended the kickoff meeting!

If you missed the kickoff meeting and want to learn about the upcoming season, check out these slides

To become a member of the Wisconsin Track Club. Additionally, please pay membership dues for the season by sending $30 to @WiscoTC on Venmo.

Join the SlackStrava, and follow @wtccows on Instagram.

We hope you come out to train, race, and socialize with us!


Great job to everyone who competed on Saturday in the BIG DAWG at UW-Stevens Point! WOOF WOOF WOOF

We had some amazing performances and was a great first meet! Remember to sign up for Panther Tune up and Club Relays!

Upcoming Meets

We have some really cool opportunities to race in some upcoming meets! Even though competing is completely optional, going to meets is a great way to get to know the Cows and challenge yourself against collegiate athletes and other track clubs!.

Panther Tune-Up: On Saturday, February 17th the cows will be heading to UW-Milwaukee to compete at the Panther Tune-Up. More information will be available closer to the date, the sign-up deadline is Saturday, February 10th. This meet will provide a chance to race against D1 competition!

Club Relays: This is the biggest indoor meet of the year and will be held at the University of Illinois on Saturday, February 27th. Sign up so we can put the wtc on the radar by beating all of the other clubs. We will be competing against club teams from across the Midwest at the University of Illinois. We will be driving down on Friday and staying overnight at a hotel on Friday and Saturday night. This year if you wish to be in a top heat, please link a previous time. More info will be available soon, the sign-up deadline is Thursday, February 8th.

to sign up for meets click here

Meet costs are not finalized but will be $20-30 (except club relays). The cost of the meet is cheaper with more people signed up so make sure to sign up and save your fellow cows some money. When you sign up here make sure to use your email, complete the necessary forms, and pay your dues.


Alumni Spotlight- Jack Bybel

What years did you run with the track club?

I ran with WTC from 2018-2022!

What events did you run?

I ran the mile, 3k, and 5k!

What was your favorite WTC memory?

There's so many good ones it's hard to choose! But I love remembering all the cool fall evenings I spent running with great friends through the arb.

What does running/life look for you now?

I live in Austin, TX building computer chips now, and still run all of the time! Instead of bay loops I run around ladybird lake.

Any advice to give our new runners?

Running is a great de-stressor when school gets rough, and the club provides so many opportunities to make friends. Some of which can be life long. So go to practice often and strike up a conversation with someone new!


Volunteering and ASSASSIN TAG

Assassin tag officially starts on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5th at 8:00 am for those who signed up! Good luck to everyone competing!

You can find all the rules and information here

Get out into your community and volunteer with WTC! Volunteering is a great way to help out the club and it's outreach to the community! Also if you volunteer there are some cool new volunteering incentives! There will be a broader update in Jenna's February volunteering letter when she will have more info!




SPRINTS- MON-THUR 5:30 p.m. at The near west fields


(February 5th)

  • 100, 150, 200, 150, 100
    • 85% 2 min break after 100 3min after 150s and 4 min after 200

(February 6th)


(February 7th)

  • Line hops
  • Mini hurdle and plyo drills day

(February 8th)

3-4 sets of 4x60m

  • Rest walk back between in sets
  • 3 min between sets

All outside, but location depends on rain- check location in slack if raining. 


DISTANCE- MON-THUR 5:30 p.m. at Engineering Hall

Monday February 5 Those that raced at UWSP

Aerobic Run + 30-sec pickups

4-8 miles at a moderate effort (about 30 sec/mile faster than your true easy pace). Towards the end of your run, perform 4-5 x 30” pickups @ 10k down to 3k effort (90” ez jog recovery between intervals). 

Those that did not race at UWSP 

Aerobic Run + Fartlek Pickups

4-8 miles at a moderate effort (about 30 sec/mile faster than your true easy pace). Towards the end of your run, perform the fartlek:

3k-5k crew

  • 2x2:00 @ threshold (1:00 ez jog)
  • 2x1:00 @ 5k-3k effort (1:15 ez jog)
  • 4x0:30 @ 3k-mile effort (1:30 ez jog) 

800-mile crew

  • 2x2:00 @ threshold (1:00 ez jog)
  • 4-6x0:30 @ mile-800m effort (1:30 walk) 

Ancillary: Medball Circuit #1, Core #1

Tuesday February 6 Easy Day

3-8 miles easy or Light Cross Training

Ancillary: Barefoot Circuits 1&3

Wednesday February 7 Tinman Style Workout: Threshold Intervals + Hills + Strides

Mid-Distance & Long-Distance combined

*choose your Group based on your desired training intensity and what sort of winter base you’ve built over the past couple of months*

2 mi warmup, 3-minute intervals @ Threshold/10k effort (1 minute rest/ez jog), 30-sec hill intervals @ mile-3k effort (60-90 sec jog down recovery), 20-sec fartlek strides @ mile effort (40 sec ez jog), 2 mi cooldown

Group 1: 5x3min, 5x30sec hill, 5x20sec strides

Group 2: 4x3min, 4x30 sec hill, 4x20sec strides

Ancillary: General Strength #1-4 (pick 1-2 circuits)

Thursday February 8 Flex Day

a few miles of easy running, light cross training, or off

Ancillary: none, stretching/foam rolling

Friday February 9 Easy-Aerobic Run

4-8 miles at an easy-moderate effort (about 30 sec/mile faster than your true easy pace). 

Ancillary: *Optional General Strength Circuit (1-4) x1*

Saturday February 10 8-12 mi. Progression Long Run

Start out relaxed and then naturally work down the pace throughout the run

Ancillary: Hip/Glute Circuit #2

Sunday February 11 Rest Day

Join us

To become a member of the Wisconsin Track Club, please pay membership dues for the season by sending $30 to @WiscoTC on Venmo. Check out our registration site by clicking here.

Join our Slack, Strava, and Facebook groups.

We hope you come out to train, race, and socialize with us!

Thanks for checking out this week's Moosletter! Remember to reach out to any of the board members if you have any questions or concerns!